Russia is ready to supply gas to Europe via the intact Nord Stream 2 line

Russia today expressed readiness to supply gas to Europe via the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, one of whose lines is not damaged by leaks.

Meanwhile, US President Joe Biden sharply criticized the drastic drop in oil production announced by OPEC+. He described the decision as a potential political headache, but also a diplomatic snub.

Biden is "disappointed in the short-sighted decision" of the Cartel of Black Gold Producers and Exporters, the White House said in a statement.

Russia is ready is because it needs the money.

Rest of Europe ready to fund dictator warmonger?

Better not swallow the poison pill they will live to regret if ever they become dependent on Russia

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(06-10-2022, 07:20 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Russia is ready is because it needs the money.

Rest of Europe ready to fund dictator warmonger?

Better not swallow the poison pill they will live to regret if ever they become dependent on Russia

You shd read more history lah.
Dont be biased hor. If not your comment you make now is very strange.
You see what US has done to Peru in the past and now? Why you never say anything?

Now Russia wants to cease fire lah.
You dont know meh. They have retreated their force back to Russian land. Putin may use nuclear weapon not in Ukraine but its own land. Let shall see in order to cease fire.

Even Ah Musk also asked Zelensky to surrender.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

Who don't need money?  

If not, why trade or export goods and services?  


Exactly because Russia sell gas in Ruble, Russia foiled the west sanction.  

SgFett, you really show you are nut with no knowledge.  


War monger is US lah.  

In 230 years US history, US only has 12 years with no war. 


“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

Sgbuffett is a 小可爱。
He only believes western media…

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

(06-10-2022, 07:34 AM)webinarian Wrote:  War monger is US lah.  

In 230 years US history, US only has 12 years with no war. 


Biden evaded so many times from conscripting. He also never say anything.  Big Grin
Some Russians evading from mobilising, nothing to be alarmed.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

The trick is they blow up NS 1 so tt Europe cannot resist but it use NS 2.  Russia wins again.


All the talks about US blowing up NS1 r just BS.  Quite sure there r deep sea CCTV monitoring this pipeline and the cameras should b able to show. Cheap Deep sea cameras can go as low as 6000 meters below sea level.


(06-10-2022, 07:28 AM)RiseofAsia Wrote:  You shd read more history lah.
Dont be biased hor. If not your comment you make now is very strange.
You see what US has done to Peru in the past and now? Why you never say anything?

Now Russia wants to cease fire lah.
You dont know meh. They have retreated their force back to Russian land. Putin may use nuclear weapon not in Ukraine but its own land. Let shall see in order to cease fire.

Even Ah Musk also asked Zelensky to surrender.

You liar.. As soon as Russia pulls out all its troops , cease fire can happen immediately..

Laughter-13  Laughter-13


(06-10-2022, 09:10 AM)teaserteam Wrote:  All the talks about US blowing up NS1 r just BS.  Quite sure there r deep sea CCTV monitoring this pipeline and the cameras should b able to show. Cheap Deep sea cameras can go as low as 6000 meters below sea level.

If the cameras did capture Russians, Europeans will definitely show to the world and slam Putin for the evil act….however Europeans are very quiet, something is fishy….Sweden said they captured unknown drones and helicopters activities around that area a few days before the explosions took place, they never say from which country, definitely not from Russia, Russia would not be so stupid to show up in the NATO territories to blow up own pipelines. Highly likely the U.S. marine did it and Europeans dare not to speak up.

(06-10-2022, 09:24 AM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  If the cameras did capture Russians, Europeans will definitely show to the world and slam Putin for the evil act….however Europeans are very quiet, something is fishy….Sweden said they captured unknown drones and helicopters activities around that area a few days before the explosions took place, they never say from which country, definitely not from Russia, Russia would not be so stupid to show up in the NATO territories to blow up own pipelines. Highly likely the U.S. marine did it and Europeans dare not to speak up.

U must have mistaken who owns the pipelines. The cameras must b part of the pipeline installation


The article said EU directive cannot stop the completion of NS 2. Now tt it has been completed, someone must b forced to use it. How? Blow up NS 1. What else?


(06-10-2022, 10:15 AM)teaserteam Wrote:  U must have mistaken who owns the pipelines.  The cameras must b part of the pipeline installation

The pipelines are owned by both Germany and Russia, both Denmark and Sweden have cameras monitoring the sea where the pipelines got blown up.

EU will suffer this winter due to the drastic short supply of the expensive oil and gas. Assmerica dont bother whether EU die or not. Only Russia is kind enough to help out the EU on humanitarian ground.

(06-10-2022, 07:28 AM)RiseofAsia Wrote:  You shd read more history lah.
Dont be biased hor. If not your comment you make now is very strange.
You see what US has done to Peru in the past and now? Why you never say anything?

Now Russia wants to cease fire lah.
You dont know meh. They have retreated their force back to Russian land. Putin may use nuclear weapon not in Ukraine but its own land. Let shall see in order to cease fire.

Even Ah Musk also asked Zelensky to surrender.

History is very long for the historians. WE ARE DISCUSSING CURRENT AFFAIRS. When US invaded Iraq I  condemned US like no tomorrow

Today is invasion of Ukrainea sovereign nation. Can use old history to justify by saying 2 wrongs make one right.

Where is the logic?!

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(06-10-2022, 10:21 AM)Stoki Wrote:  EU will suffer this winter due to the drastic short supply of the expensive oil and gas. Assmerica dont bother whether EU die or not. Only Russia is kind enough to help out the EU on humanitarian ground.

France will shut electricity supply two hours per day for the households while Germany urges family members to take shower together to save electricity.

Moscow complained tt Authorities stop them fr investigating. Of course, they won’t allow pple to go in & destroy the evidences. Wait 4 foresenic result lah.


(06-10-2022, 10:18 AM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  The pipelines are owned by both Germany and Russia, both Denmark and Sweden have cameras monitoring the sea where the pipelines got blown up.
Yes. The European countries pays but r they the one who install & maintain the pipelines and cameras. Think lah.


(06-10-2022, 10:28 AM)teaserteam Wrote:  Moscow complained tt Authorities stop them fr investigating. Of course,  they won’t allow pple to go in & destroy the evidences.  Wait 4 foresenic result lah.

The operators of two Baltic Sea gas pipelines that linked Russia and Germany until they both sprang major leaks last week said they were unable to inspect the damaged sections because of restrictions imposed by Danish and Swedish authorities.

Why do they impose such restrictions? Under the pressure from the U.S.? What does the contract say? Germany as a big brother of EU , should stand forward to lead the investigation and neither Sweden nor Denmark dare to block that. Why is Germany so quiet?

Some believe it is the work of yankees as many European countries will have elections with far rights, oppositions, whatever will be voted in if promises of restoring the nord stream. If no longer have gas people cannot cry father cry mother in election and Europe must wean itself from Russia gas.

I think this line will be sabotaged soon. ... Rolleyes

 Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge
                    Carl Jung

(06-10-2022, 09:14 AM)ROFLMAO Wrote:  You liar.. As soon as Russia pulls out all its troops , cease fire can happen immediately..

Whole NATO pull out Ukraine and stop expansion. Same results.


(06-10-2022, 10:36 AM)A2Z Wrote:  Some believe it is the work of yankees as many European countries will have elections with far rights, oppositions, whatever will be voted in if promises of restoring the nord stream. If no longer have gas people cannot cry father cry mother in election and Europe must wean itself from Russia gas.

For Nord Stream 2, the loan from Uniper, Wintershall Dea, OMV, Engie, and Royal Dutch Shell covers 50 percent of the projected costs of €9.5 billion. The rest is being financed by Gazprom.

It is not cheap to build Nord Stream 1 & 2.

Why should Russia blow up own pipelines that generate huge revenue each year knowing its economy is in bad shape due to heavy sanctions from the west? It is like blowing up your own restaurant and lose all the income for many weeks, nobody will do that.

On the other hand, the U.S. doesn’t like Nord Stream pipelines from the beginning, destroying the pipelines will eliminate Europe’s energy dependency to Russia so that Europeans are forced to buy more LNG from the U.S..

A US helicopter flying over pipeline already claimed US sabotage. What happen if they found US submarine on vessels near the pipeline?


Uncle Sam wants Europe to buy very expensive LNG from America

Europeans especially Germany depends on cheap consistent gas flowing via pipes to run their economy and lifestyle habits 

It is something similar to taking a shower with running water via pipes compared to using pails

During winter no need to everyday bath just clean under armpits and private organs only. Use wood, junk materials to make fire.

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