Russian aluminium company Rusal call for War Crime investigation for Bucha killing

So the Russians finally admit civilian killings did take place in Bucha and not faked video as claimed by Wumao !
Thinking Threatening

(09-04-2022, 10:36 AM)way Wrote:

So the Russians finally admit civilian killings did take place in Bucha and not faked video as claimed by Wumao !
Thinking Threatening

I say u killing someone in Singapore. So you have finally admitted to the murder ?

Ok confirmed u did it. I will report to Police now. Clapping

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Urane is iraq...silence is white, the other brown.

Dirty corrupted hypocritical humam right , freedom , lgptw , animal , devil et artivists.

The Kremlin denies its forces were responsible for the deaths, claiming on Tuesday that western allegations that its forces had committed war crimes were a “monstrous forgery”.

However, claims by the Kremlin that Ukrainian forces had placed bodies in the town in “staged provocation” were contradicted by satellite images showing bodies strewn in the streets in mid-March, when it was still held by Russian forces, in the same places they were seen in pictures published in early April.

Zonneveld said he was shocked by reports from the town. “We support an objective and impartial investigation of this crime and call for severe punishment for the perpetrators,” he said.

“We all wish an early end to this fratricidal conflict, which destroys lives, families and entire cities, and we want those responsible for such crimes to be punished appropriately.”

Rusal’s founder, Oleg Deripaska, said last month his personal opinion was that the conflict was “madness” that would bring shame on generations to come.

investigate what, because of bucha, russia already chase out of UN human right council, US & EU ton more sanction on russia all trade, banks & oil & gas, more attacking weapons ship to Ukraine from US & the west globally.
russia military in total damaged now after 45 days of Ukraine war, economy is totally not functional now, ton of debt to settle soon yet oil & gas demand plunges, be patient, more sanction on the way till russia situation & condition like today Iran & NK.



(09-04-2022, 10:36 AM)way Wrote:

So the Russians finally admit civilian killings did take place in Bucha and not faked video as claimed by Wumao !
Thinking Threatening

Actually, all it says is "call for impartial investigation"

Which is what Russia is requesting UN Security Council to do, but blocked by the West

Which is why our Singapore Gov did not vote against Russia at the UN

So, Rusal chair is merely repeating what Russian Gov & everyone else is asking for

[Image: Screenshot-20220409-105010.jpg]

Ask moronic kokee to answer loh his daddy very scare got many things to hide hor hiaz

(09-04-2022, 10:58 AM)simpleman Wrote:  Actually, all it says is "call for impartial investigation"

Which is what Russia is requesting UN Security Council to do, but blocked by the West

Which is why our Singapore Gov did not vote against Russia at the UN

So, Rusal chair is merely repeating what Russian Gov & everyone else is asking for

[Image: Screenshot-20220409-105010.jpg]

Hello Russian Govt claims Bucha atrocities are video fakery, that is to say video created using computer CGI, no civilian killed. Russian Aluminium company contradict Russia Govt, admits civilians were massacred. The country you come from, know the different or not ?


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