Gen. McCaffrey: Russia Has Lost Command And Control



(25-03-2022, 05:47 PM)kokee Wrote:  this moron here BS & lie again & again, who bother all these nonsense when Russia army are totally lost now, casualty are so high till defense ministers & all top commanders also run to hide now. Putin is even worse, hide in fear now as so many russian are looking for him, real clown now.
weapons, food & war supplies of russian army almost all cut off now, this oron can only keep threatening using nukes & biochem weapons, like rat & dogs now, kena chase & run in the dark now, LOL LOL, this moron still bark all these BS when the whole of russian army almost collapse now.


普丁躲「複製辦公室」行蹤成謎?眾叛親離高官全神隱 寡頭要普丁償命!

putin & russia already in big mess, lost in all direction, do not know what to do, can only bark to use nukes or biochemical weapons to threaten as they cant fight anymore.
as above, putin already lost till disappear now, ton of his closest top leaders also almost all run road, bloody comie dogs here still can bark putin what rubbish strategy, whole world know he lost till beg & kneel down now, both economy & military, inside & outside russia, ton of people want hi life now, he will never able to run away for sure.
russia became the evil & threatening world peace country, extreme terrorist state.
If global can join hands & attack russia till surrender, dissolve it totally & no more russia anymore.





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