WHY our Govt never save money like Uk?

I noticed not just UK also other countries cut down civil service jobs, etc to save money Aka Public Funds.

" The government wants to cut up to 91,000 civil service jobs to save money, the UK's top civil servant says. " https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-61432498

on the contrary introduced redundant 6 mayors for nothing wasting public fund 6x660k a yr x13mthsx5 yrs =x million ??
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Cut down what? Still giving out bonuses during pandemic. So many dumb sheep to milk

(14-05-2022, 12:49 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  I noticed not just UK also other countries cut down civil service jobs, etc to save money Aka Public Funds.

" The government wants to cut up to 91,000 civil service jobs to save money, the UK's top civil servant says. " https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-61432498

U want to break people's rice bowl? Will your uncle break your rice bowl?

That is a good valid point raised. With our money so easily assessable to them without any need to seek approval, never debate in parliament nor anyone to check, “Richie Rich” mentality will make us suffer.

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