S'pore family man suffering inflation now takes bus to work to save $150 a month

Mr Paul Lee would usually travel from his home in Marine Parade to his office in Yio Chu Kang in the comfort of his car, with his favourite radio station on, sometimes making work calls that require privacy.

For the past three months, however, he has swapped his car rides for hour-long bus journeys on most days to save money on petrol.

Noticing that his family's expenditure was exceeding their monthly budget, Mr Lee decided they had to take action to curb their spending.

"Sometime in February, we started to see the costs going up because of the (Russia-Ukraine) war. I started to hear news about how inflation is coming (up), interest rates are likely going to be going up," he said.

"As a result, I started looking at different options on where to save money."

For Mr Lee's family, their biggest costs came in the form of petrol, dining out and groceries.

In the past, he would fill up his car's 60-litre tank every two weeks, which set him back by S$125. But now he pays closer to S$160 for the same amount of petrol.

Fuel prices hit a high amid a supply crunch amid the Ukraine conflict and inflationary pressures. In Singapore, prices of the most popular 95-octane grade petrol have been fluctuating between S$3 and S$3.42 a litre, compared with about S$2.80 before Russia invaded Ukraine in late February.

By making the switch to public transport on weekdays and minimising the use of his car on weekends, Mr Lee, a business development executive, now saves about S$150 a month. He also saves the S$14 daily he would otherwise have to spend for parking at his office building.

"I only have to take two buses … and it actually stops at the bus stop just outside my workplace," said the sole breadwinner who has three young sons.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

His employer should give him a pay rise if they see this.

he forgot that he paid road tax, insurance.. + plus depreciation of the car, it is about at least $1500 per month.

if he doesn't use the car, he is throwing about $1k-2k per month in the drain.

sounds stupid.
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I don't know , but one of my army friend EPIC is Upgrade this car , do lots of modify , install new sound system blah blah etc.

Last known, what I know he work as " engineer " daily job just walk around check the machine if faulty do fixing.

Buying a car is a bad idea with his office is easy to get to like what he says. But then, buying a car and then not using it is just dumb. Sell the car lah.

ok la. just cut down cost only. even if i have car i also choose not to drive because i want to reduce my carbon footprint. not sure why we need all these luxury for what when we are hurting and polluting the mother earth and environment. please be kind to mother earth

I am just a tiny plankton in the ocean.

Obviously he doesn't need a car.
Just sell it and he can save a few thousand $ every year.

Might as well sell off the car and get back some money.

(24-07-2022, 06:41 PM)Wy:Nox Wrote:  Might as well sell off the car and get back some money.

Agree - 2nd hand car now fetch pretty good price considering the crazy high COE biddings. Big Grin

If not using, it is better to sell off the car to save the money of owning, road tax, etc.  


Dumb. Lidat have car for what?

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin

$14 daily parking fee can save up and use for the family dinner :-)

Shop with Health Shop !

Petrol only about 20% of the total cost of car ownership. I prefer to drive as much as possible or don't own a car at all!!

boycott sex and dont married then u sure save a ton.

Married is useless and not necessary.

I notice less cars on the road after people go to work.
At time empty.
Don't u dare give ideas to people
it will affect COE etc. like less will be availabled to keep it from collapsing.
The repercussions r huge. Even Bank lendings will be affected.
Remember u wear belt to protect the car. U think to protect u.
u go to work by MRT dat alright but not able to service the loans not alright
BTW u borrow on your own 'money'. We create an acct in your name.
U think we got money to give you? Ha?
In case u cannot run we need the car to carry on the game.
commercial papers r traded don't u know. Potatoes get hot singlon the Banskters need to un load.

Some of my friends are intending to sell away their cars… Rotfl

Cant tahan the high cost of living.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

so long as the music ON u need to dance.
Property goes up and up and up Loans get bigger and bigger and bigger
where u think this will END. I saw SOTONG.
mumbling with glee
u own nothing beri happy
He has the CREDITs to give u if u behaves as slaves.
YOU cannot handle the truth

looks more like pay and pay wayang

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