S'pore man : Rise in HDB resale prices caused by long wait times for BTO

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

give chicken wings
take back whole chicken PAP monopoly market

this is just 1 of the reason

open leg policy tops them all

no demand price can nt move up

Some ppl happy some not. Some happy and sad at the same time

Some paying overprice by 50%,
more like money laundering

Nothing to do with the resale price for the long wait. It has been a long gradually since 80s.
Nevertheless the high resale price adding the Q causing longer wait.So when the initial problem has never been solved ,due to lack of competency it ballooning the issues.
Looking back and now did the authority has the credentials?
Most are covered the "holes" here and there.....younger and new generation would never know........

Some Sinkees like Singles dun hv a choice.

Get a small 2-rm flat & wait 5 years or get a expensive resale if want bigger home.

Hope they wake up during Erections.

No Single sinkees shld vote for current ruling party!

(30-06-2024, 12:34 AM)exhwz23 Wrote:  Some Sinkees like Singles dun hv a choice. 

Get a small 2-rm flat & wait 5 years or get a expensive resale if want bigger home.

Hope they wake up during Erections.

No Single sinkees shld vote for current ruling party!

Quality of life got worse Yr after Yr. 

For young couples today tougher to get a home, raise a family and afford a car should they need one.

Things have not improved under the PAP for many Yr already. 

They will resort to weakening the opposition through lawsuit and  court cases to continue their hold on power.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(30-06-2024, 12:34 AM)exhwz23 Wrote:  Some Sinkees like Singles dun hv a choice. 

Get a small 2-rm flat & wait 5 years or get a expensive resale if want bigger home.

Hope they wake up during Erections.

No Single sinkees shld vote for current ruling party!

Singles caused the TFR of the country to plummet below 1. They caused true blue singaporean population to plummet. They've no right to kpkb

bto is a good idea created by some clever man some time ago when many hdb prebuild but not selected.
it is good for hdb but bad for the people who wanted a new hdb as the wait time become very long.\

civil service must remember that the first reason for their existence is to serve the people not to make their job easy only. efficiency is important but not at the expense of the voters that they intend to serve. hope there is no future such clever man around. if any please consider the service first. not make job easy first.

same to new hawker center. hawker center is the culture of singapore. a way to stop the cook food from going wild.
bidding out stalls base on price should not be only considerations. as well as whole sale give to some food operators. that is make job easy as no need to manage. but once there is one more party the cost increased.

make cook food stall cheap and another way of distributions base on price, portion and food price. better then just price of stall as it will only spiral up end cook food price as many will continue to bid up and add to the price.

same to land sale. the results is smaller and smaller units as there is affordability factor. so developer incresed per sqft price and build smaller. some thing to think about. the current limitation method needs improvement did not get the effect wanted.

Waiting time is too long. Maybe the problem needs cleverer solutions

Just make sure Citizens Couples are given priority

For the PRs, set a minimum 5 year waiting period for BTOs

Otherwise, they should get a Condo unit

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

(30-06-2024, 08:16 AM)winbig Wrote:  Singles caused the TFR of the country to plummet below 1. They caused true blue singaporean population to plummet. They've no right to kpkb

Not by choice is what their status is.  

Otherwise they're like any True Blue sinkees, born here raised in this environment & even went thru NS like most of us. 

Most won't get the chance to migrate, unlike ppl like us who had double income, so easier to run away if needed.

Thus fair to give them same Housing status as married couples.

BTO is a wrong way or slow process of selling all the flats before even starting to build. That is why it takes 5 years to complete. I also dont know why it takes so long.

They should have listened to the Opposition who proposes that HDB build first and then when almost finish, then start selling. In this way, the waiting time is 1 year or so.


1 or 5 yrs makes no difference to some ppl.

(29-06-2024, 12:02 PM)watchfirst9 Wrote:  Some paying overprice by 50%,
more like money laundering

Cannot B?. Lahh. Laughter-13 .

(29-06-2024, 11:08 AM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote:  Some ppl happy some not. Some happy and sad at the same time

WhatMeIsThinking...Not one is Alone...$mony-HuatingArhh. Laughter-13 Omg

The only way to bring down HDB price is to disallow CPF monies to be used for HDB purchase!!

(30-06-2024, 03:37 PM)mikotan Wrote:  The only way to bring down HDB price is to disallow CPF monies to be used for HDB purchase!!

Wrong. Should build bigger flats of 4, 5 or 6 BEDrooms for multiple generations. Then all can stay together for the 3 generations. Then 2nd and 3rd generations dont have to buy new BTO

8Umbrella Umbrella

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