NEVER SURRENDER Mariupol hero: We take on Putin army with BAYONETS when ammo runs out

[Image: 8b804129-6bc9-4d4c-8ae7-25ce40ff57c5-1.jpg?w=620]Claws out... Cpt Palamar says he will lead a bayonet charge

THE hero leading the defence of besieged Mariupol has vowed to take on the invading Russians in a bayonet charge when their ammo runs out.

Captain Sviatoslav Palamar, of the National Guard Azov Regiment, spoke to The Sun as he prepares a last stand at the city’s steel works.

He said: “We have no way to evacuate the wounded or to hand the dead soldiers’ bodies over to their families. But we are in touch with the army leadership. There is no order to leave the city, so we continue the war.

“We still hope, we obey orders and we are faithful to the oath. Mariupol is a Ukrainian city — and we will fight for it.

“If we are told to counter-attack, to break through to meet the Ukrainian army, of course we will. If we run out of ammo, we’ll tie bayonets and go to hand-to-hand combat.”

Praising the UK he added: “Thank you for your support, for what the UK is doing for Ukraine.

“The British are the people who stood up to Hitler, who fought bravely. The British military knows how to fight.

“I would ask for more determination and perseverance in supporting Ukraine. We need more weapons — to defend and attack.

“We have man-portable anti-aircraft missile systems, but a plane flying at an altitude of 77km cannot be reached by them.

“If we had actual air defence, we would have shot down the planes that bombed the theatre, the residential buildings, the maternity hospital here. Thousands of people in Mariupol would still be alive.”

Aiya … easy peasy …. since the assmericunt drop "Mother of all bombs" on Afghan … Russkies can drop "Father of all bombs" … it will end bayonet fighting ... nudie

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin

Poor kitten gonna die in the final showdown.  Can please evacuate the kitten.

Why are they holding civilians (women and kids) as human shields? Why dunt they allow 1000 civilians and 500 injured soldiers leave the steel factory before the battle starts? Just doesn’t make sense.

(21-04-2022, 12:21 AM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  Why are they holding civilians (women and kids) as human shields? Why dunt they allow 1000 civilians and 500 injured soldiers leave the steel factory before the battle starts? Just doesn’t make sense.

Make sense to surrender civilians to Russian Murderers, Looters and Rapists to kill and rape the civilian babies??? What logic is that ????


(20-04-2022, 03:07 PM)kokee Wrote:  comie dogs dont panic, just 1st day of donbas war, Ukraine said they can fight 10 yrs in donbas.
But if Ukraine can get all the most advanced weapons from US, UK & NATO, they can end fast & even took over crimea from Russia.
Russia weapons & army are total junk lah.
as for moscow, need NATO & US army to join in, LOL LOL>

烏克蘭有機會拿回克里米亞半島?俄羅斯軍隊"無能"令人驚訝!烏"水攻+泥將軍"俄寸步難行 頓巴斯開打 美智庫:俄軍不太可能成功.

moronic comie dogs here, everyday surrender, russia is really panic now, russia only left around 70k of army, finish them off then bomb russia all the way to moscow & st. peterburg, will take sometimes.
well done, Ukraine, such a small country compared to russia.

4.20 【最新戰報!】各國加速向烏克蘭運送戰機及坦克等攻擊型武器,誓將俄軍僅餘的七萬軍隊全殲!


Bayonets are for close combats only lah.

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