S'pore's top investment trainer : China stocks cannot buy, I sold all my Tencent

If China stocks keep rising and Tencent now is 20% above the price he sold.....what does this means mean for people who paid $3000 to attend his Pirana course.

If a trainer tells you he can train you to pick winning numbers on a roulette wheel with his set of rules.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

Third world china is a collapsing pile of failure Pui! No wonder wumaos so desperate LOLOLOLOL!

The CCP cult already bankrupt hellhole china to the point of no money left. That's why alot of ah tiongs are very poor and fleeing that shithole.

Investing in a dying sick man of asia like third world china is bound to end in bankruptcy like their country LOLOLOLOL!


Pundek Pukimak ahbutt the ultimate amdk arse lickers stooge’s you don't know meh China economic Super Power leh envy jealous hor LMAO

https://media.tenor.com/DKk4Fbz8AoYAAAAM...inping.gif https://media.tenor.com/VYXW5kr8O4IAAAAM...ounger.gif https://media.tenor.com/jrHUC3zIFrYAAAAM...-dance.gif

Even top guru aso can be wrong. Ah butt pukimak better dun try, monday go look for high pay jobs better

To me invest and trade has some difference. Maybe small but to me personally there is becuz the mindset will be quite different. Trade flip faster and more trades done over a period of time.

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