1.26 million illegal abortions in Philippines in 2020 as it is banned

By Heather Chen, CNN

Updated 0153 GMT (0953 HKT) July 19, 2022


Abortion is illegal in the Philippines -- a majority Catholic country and former American colony -- and has been for over a century. Under the law, women found to have aborted their fetuses face prison terms of between two to six years.

Doctors and nurses caught performing abortions or providing assistance are also subject to harsh punishment by the state.


there are no clear exemptions allowing for terminating pregnancies even in severe cases like rape and incest -- or to save the life of the pregnant woman.


A study conducted by PINSAN in 2020 found 1.26 million abortions were carried out in the country


"The US Supreme Court's decision to ban abortion is good news," Crispin Varquez, a local bishop and prelate of the Catholic Church in the Philippines, said in an interview on Radio Veritas Asia, a church-run station based out of Quezon City.

Varquez said the move was "timely" as it coincided with holy celebrations for the Feast of the Sacred Heart.

"(It's) a decision enlightened by the Holy Spirit," he said.

Pope Francis described abortion as akin to "hiring a hitman" and said he respected the Supreme Court's decision.

"It's a human life -- that's science," he told Reuters. "The moral question is whether it is right to take a human life to solve a problem."


She has not been on any form of birth control and her husband does not use condoms. Access to other forms of contraception like birth control pills and IUD devices was also out of the question. "I can't imagine how much that would cost," she said. "I wouldn't know how to (go about) getting them or using them."

So when she became pregnant, she sought the services of a midwife and paid her 550 pesos ($10) for a "healing massage."

She described being held down by the midwife's assistant while she went to work, kneading and pounding her lower abdomen that eventually triggered a miscarriage.

Much better to read full article at: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/07/18/asia/...index.html

FAILippines NEED abortion...............so do ALL 3rd world CUNTries...............

(19-07-2022, 02:48 PM)Napoleon Porlumpar Wrote:  FAILippines NEED abortion...............so do ALL 3rd world CUNTries...............

Pinoy is deeply into ideology of certain religion that consider birth controls like condoms as sins....

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