SP group says electricity up 10% after last jumped 30% in 2017?

Already increased by 30% in 2017.

"Electricity prices for its consumers will increase on average by 10% in the three months beginning April, SP Group said in an emailed statement Thursday. 

For households, the electricity tariff, excluding taxes, will increase to 27.94 cents per kWh from 25.44 cents from April 1, the company said.31 Mar 2022"


Greed has no limit.
Where is the productivity this garment always talks?

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

Same for Water Tax, you go in depth " study " how PUB bill so call " Play with the way how they stated the information on your bill "

likewise same for Hospital bills.

LIKE TO PUT BIG BIG " PAY 0.00 WITH Gov's Rebate but is isn't so , remember what LKY said before LOL...

LKY can say that well " at least he do create wealth for SG , the people do feel the benefits from it "

BUT IS ISN'T SO COME LHL AS PM , look HOW He plan, how much Public funds been used etc

ANY Of his plans so far Benefit SG ??? down to the people ???
NOPE literally don't have any.

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