Seoul Harbors World's Most Dissatisfied People

Eighty-one percent of Seoul citizens said their children are a burden to them, while only 68.1 percent admitted they are also a source of happiness. The only other city where more parents found their children a burden than a source of happiness was Tokyo with 65 percent and 60 percent.

Some 21.9 percent of Seoul citizens said they are unhappy with their family life, while 38.3 percent said they are unhappy with their jobs. Only 42.3 percent said they are satisfied with their life as a whole.

Beijing ranked a surprising first with 84.9 percent saying they are satisfied with their life, followed by 80.3 percent in New Delhi. But even in notoriously grouchy New York and London, over 70 percent said they are.

One reason for low life satisfaction among Koreans may be that they tend to prioritize work over family.

The tendency of Koreans to compare their lives with others is another source of unhappiness and anxiety. Low job satisfaction is probably due to the rigid, top-down hierarchy that lingers in many places and turns labor into drudgery for subalterns.
Residents in Seoul also had the greatest distrust of strangers with 71.4 percent, while only 6.4 percent trust them. In Tokyo 48.4 percent did not trust strangers and in New York 35.4 percent.

Seoulites distrust of everyone and everything extends to their neighbors, with only 24.1 percent saying they have time for them. The percentage was over 50 percent in more than 10 major cities, while only Taipei and Tokyo went around harboring similar suspicions of their neighbors and only 28.1 percent and 38 percent trust them.

.... WTF! Why are they "surprised " Beijing residents are satisfied with their lives!

They should be "SHOCKED" why New Delhi residents are satisfies with their Iives!

Really an arsehole skewed survey!

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