Serbia, here we come! Shameless and despicable NATO!

(附字幕) 李彤「外交短評」武契奇證購中國防空導彈系統。 布林肯再用「種族滅絕」批中國,趙立堅叫美國切實躬身自省、改過自新。 22年4月14日

Bosnia .... Confused

(13-04-2022, 12:10 PM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:

Moronic kokee you full lies and shits hor
The outbreak of Russia-Ukraine conflict, Serbia has been subjected to great pressure from Nato West, which is trying to force Serbia to join in condemning and even sanctioning Russia. 

Vucic previously said the days after the outbreak of the conflict had been the most difficult in his professional career.

Pressure from the West on Serbia mainly comes from the following aspects. First, seeking EU membership remains an important diplomatic option for Serbia but whether the goal can be achieved is up to the EU. In recent years, the process of joining the EU by Serbia and other Western Balkan countries has stalled  Rolleyes and the prospect for accession by 2025 has become very distant. 

Considering the economic significance of the EU to Serbia and the country's strong domestic willingness to join the bloc. EU will naturally take advantage of the membership issue to put pressure on Serbia. The EU has repeatedly urged Serbia and other Central and Eastern European countries to take a consistent stance over the Ukraine crisis. In extreme cases, the EU is even likely to reduce financial support for Serbia.

(13-04-2022, 12:10 PM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:

Moronic kokee you full lies and shits hor

FK-3 is an export version of the HQ-22 surface-to-air missile system, and it retains the domestic version’s top speed of Mach 6, although its maximum range has been reduced from 170 kilometers to 150 kilometers.

The missiles are guided by semi-active radar guidance with a secondary command guidance capability. It can reportedly engage ballistic and cruise missiles, aircraft, helicopters, and UAVs.

A typical HQ-22/FK-3 system consists of a radar vehicle and three launch vehicles equipped with four missiles each. Each battery can supposedly engage six air targets simultaneously. The HQ-22 entered service with the Chinese People’s Liberation Army in 2017.

Notably: Chinese used an air bridge to transport the FK-3 missiles, and presumably other support equipment, to the Serbians, using the People’s Liberation Army Air Force’s Xi’an Y-20 heavy airlifters flying between China and Serbia over two days.

(14-04-2022, 02:51 PM)Teeth53 Wrote:  The outbreak of Russia-Ukraine conflict, Serbia has been subjected to great pressure from Nato West, which is trying to force Serbia to join in condemning and even sanctioning Russia. 

Vucic previously said the days after the outbreak of the conflict had been the most difficult in his professional career.

Pressure from the West on Serbia mainly comes from the following aspects. First, seeking EU membership remains an important diplomatic option for Serbia but whether the goal can be achieved is up to the EU. In recent years, the process of joining the EU by Serbia and other Western Balkan countries has stalled  Rolleyes and the prospect for accession by 2025 has become very distant. 

Considering the economic significance of the EU to Serbia and the country's strong domestic willingness to join the bloc. EU will naturally take advantage of the membership issue to put pressure on Serbia. The EU has repeatedly urged Serbia and other Central and Eastern European countries to take a consistent stance over the Ukraine crisis. In extreme cases, the EU is even likely to reduce financial support for Serbia.

Serbian President, Ruling Party Won Elections

Aleksandar Vucic has won a second term as president, initial projections suggested, and his Serbian Progressive Party was on course to win a majority in parliament with its Socialist partners.

(14-04-2022, 03:18 PM)Teeth53 Wrote:  Serbian President, Ruling Party Won Elections

Aleksandar Vucic has won a second term as president, initial projections suggested, and his Serbian Progressive Party was on course to win a majority in parliament with its Socialist partners.

Persistently portrayed by Western media as a Moscow ally, Serbia is arguably drawing closer to China than Russia. 

On April 10, China delivered HQ-22 surface-to-air missile systems to the Serbian military. The FK-3, an export version of the HQ-22, has been widely compared to the American Patriot and the Russian S-300 surface-to-air missile systems.

President Aleksandar Vucic said that, as a small country surrounded by NATO again, it “will never again allow such irresponsibility as in the 1990s.”

(14-04-2022, 03:29 PM)Teeth53 Wrote:  Persistently portrayed by Western media as a Moscow ally, Serbia is arguably drawing closer to China than Russia. 

On April 10, China delivered HQ-22 surface-to-air missile systems to the Serbian military. The FK-3, an export version of the HQ-22, has been widely compared to the American Patriot and the Russian S-300 surface-to-air missile systems.

President Aleksandar Vucic said that, as a small country surrounded by NATO again, it “will never again allow such irresponsibility as in the 1990s.”

Close economic ties with Euro Union, Belgrade is not in a position to continue balancing between Russia and Natu and West. That is why Western powers, recently voted in favor of expelling Russia from the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC).

“It is not a question of understanding and forgiving friendly countries that voted ‘yes.’ It is a question of unprecedented pressure to provoke Russophobia. 

Such pressure is suffered by all countries that are trying in every way to pursue a balanced policy. We understand,” the Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov



(14-04-2022, 03:40 PM)Teeth53 Wrote:  Close economic ties with Euro Union, Belgrade is not in a position to continue balancing between Russia and Natu and West. That is why Western powers, recently voted in favor of expelling Russia from the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC).

“It is not a question of understanding and forgiving friendly countries that voted ‘yes.’ It is a question of unprecedented pressure to provoke Russophobia. 

Such pressure is suffered by all countries that are trying in every way to pursue a balanced policy. We understand,” the Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov
Wait for US.  nudie For more War.

US gives military helicopters to Croatia, Russia and China arms to Serbs.

(14-04-2022, 04:05 PM)Teeth53 Wrote:  Wait for US.  nudie For more War.

US gives military helicopters to Croatia, Russia and China arms to Serbs.

Why?. We follow nudie US go, war follow up.

(14-04-2022, 04:56 PM)Teeth53 Wrote:  Why?. We follow nudie US go, war follow up.
Where US went, war follow.... nudie

(14-04-2022, 05:10 PM)Teeth53 Wrote:  Where US went, war follow.... nudie
United States. Thursday 13/04/2022 delivered two Black Hawk military helicopters to Croatia,

(13-04-2022, 12:01 PM)kokee Wrote:  this whole thread of lies & BS, serbia, anything to bark>
serbia try so hard to enter EU for >10 yrs now, keep applying every yr to enter EU, why>
why serbia so hard up to enter EU, then NATO>
If it is so closed to russia, then enter russia instead, same to hungary & few more russia dogs.
If they dont need EU prosperous & NATO protection over russia, why these dogs want to join EU & NATO.
all these moronic dogs barking for what shit> know nut dogs.


sure, serbia missile to russia but worry to be detected, send to serbia then to russia, whole world know well now, nothing to hide, that is why china is next after russia settle by NATO & US.
NATO & US now will never let china go with all these evidence.
FYI, russia dare to use china missile> LOL LOL. what happen if backfire> then russia will bomb china together with NATO & US.
serbia will has to pay for what it has done for russia & china, NATO & EU will never let serbia go easily, such evil deserve to be bomb in 90s.

支援俄國盟友 中共秘密運飛彈給塞爾維亞

蔡英文表示要加强与欧洲的关系 打造民主同盟阵线




(14-04-2022, 05:15 PM)Teeth53 Wrote:  United States. Thursday 13/04/2022 delivered two Black Hawk military helicopters to Croatia,

Two Second-hand Black Hawk military helicopters 

Croatia, which is engaged in a mini arms race with neighboring Russian ally Serbia amid simmering tensions in the post-war Balkan region.

U.S. Embassy in Croatia’s capital, Zagreb, said the donated UH-60M multi-purpose helicopters will contribute to Croatia’s growing defense capabilities and military preparedness to support NATO.

《谦秋论》赖岳谦 第三百五十四集|运20展现远程兵力投送!中已能强力回击北约挑衅!






太帅了! 运20降落及起飞全过程 (042, 045, 047号) 运输机




震懾美歐!解放軍22架運-20 四天空運3個防空師萬里奔赴塞爾維亞 中國運-20抵達歐洲 塞爾維亞總統高喊中國是盟友不再懼怕北約 中國“王道”挑戰美國“霸道”


(14-04-2022, 05:15 PM)Teeth53 Wrote:  United States. Thursday 13/04/2022 delivered two Black Hawk military helicopters to Croatia,
War, more war in Euro.... Sick




中國雷達開機“掃描”北約軍機!武契奇親臨現場塞爾維亞正式列裝中國FK-3防空導彈 中國主動出擊反制北約東擴





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