Seriously neglected morbidly obese teenage girl died in conditions unfit for animal

Thu, 19 January 2023 at 1:27 am SGT


Kaylea Titford weighed 22 stone and 13lbs, with a body mass index of 70, when she died in Oct 2020 at her home in Newtown, Powys, Wales, where she was found lying in soiled clothing and bed linen, Mold Crown Court heard on Wednesday.

Her mother, Sarah Lloyd-Jones, 39, admits manslaughter by gross negligence, but her father Alun Titford denies the offence, the jury was told.


Kaylea had spina bifida, a back condition, and hydrocephalus, a build-up of fluid on the brain. She used a wheelchair from a young age.

She attended Newtown High School, where she was described as "funny and chatty" by staff, but became confined to her home after the coronavirus lockdown began in March 2020, said Ms Rees.

Kaylea was living in “squalor and degradation”, she said, and when paramedics found her dead she was lying on filthy "puppy pads", with maggots and flies on her body and milk bottles filled with urine around her bed.

Ms Rees said: “Kaylea Titford was living in conditions unfit for any animal, let alone a vulnerable 16-year-old girl who depended entirely on others for her care.”

Kaylea was grossly obese, with dirty and matted hair, an unwashed body and ulcerated skin, the court was told.

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