Sgbutt, are you following this wave of "China fever"?

 *China 144 hours transit visa.*

China's 144-hour transit visa exemption caught European and American countries off guard, and even the United States began to panic. Originally, in the "Travel Warning List" announced by the United States in April, China was an independent country outside the four levels. As a result, after a large number of Americans flocked to China and received continuous positive reviews, the United States directly listed China as a third-level high-risk tourist destination.

  On the international stage, China has always been known for its wisdom and foresight.  Recently, the Chinese government has once again taken the initiative and opened a 144-hour transit visa-free policy to 54 countries, including Europe and the United States, once again demonstrating China's open attitude and strategic vision.

  This policy was like a bombshell, causing quite a shock in the Western world.  Many countries obviously did not expect that China would take such a bold and decisive step.  The reaction of the United States is particularly eye-catching. This country that has always promoted itself as a "beacon of freedom" actually seems a little at a loss in this matter.

  When China's visa-free policy was first released, the United States included China in the "gray area" of travel warnings. This was an ambiguous attitude.  But as a large number of American tourists flock to China and share their wonderful experiences on social media, the attitude of the US government has also undergone subtle changes.  They quickly upgraded China to a "third-level high-risk tourist destination" in an attempt to prevent their own people from traveling to China.

  However, this approach not only failed to achieve the expected results, but also made more Americans have a strong interest in China.  People are always curious about unknown and forbidden things. The US government's warning has become a powerful booster, making Chinese tourism more popular among the American people.

  At the same time, China's open policy also gives more foreign tourists the opportunity to witness the extraordinary charm of this large Eastern country.  Under their lenses, a civilized, prosperous, safe and friendly China emerges before their eyes.  This is very different from the impression they got from Western media. Those prejudices and misunderstandings are self-evident in the face of personal experience.

  The warm hospitality in the streets, the dazzling scenery of the modern city, and the long-standing cultural heritage all amaze foreign tourists.  They recorded every moment of their trip to China with videos and photos, sharing their touch and joy with the world.

  For a time, Chinese tourism triggered a heated discussion on foreign social media.  Countless netizens were attracted by these true stories and expressed their intention to come to China to find out in person.

  People who have been to China have become the most powerful publicity ambassadors. They use their personal experiences to dispel other people's doubts and strongly recommend their friends to travel to China.

  In this wave of "China fever", China's tourism industry has ushered in an unprecedented moment of glory.  Major scenic spots are crowded with tourists, and it is hard to find a hotel room. All walks of life related to tourism have benefited a lot from this.  At the same time, China has also presented a more three-dimensional and comprehensive image to the world.

  Many foreign politicians have tried to prevent their own people from traveling to China through various means, but their efforts pale in comparison to the truth.  Facts speak louder than words, and nothing can stop people from yearning for and pursuing beautiful things.

  As an American tourist said: "I originally had many prejudices against China, but this trip completely changed my views. I fell in love with this land and the people here."

  Standing at a turning point in history, we have reason to believe that as China opens its door wider and wider, more and more foreign friends will enter China and experience the unique charm of this country for themselves.  And China will surely stand tall among the nations of the world with a more confident and calm attitude.

  In this process, every Chinese person is the best image ambassador.  Let us welcome every foreign friend with enthusiasm and friendliness, interpret the beauty of China with our words and deeds, and let the world know and love China better.  This is the responsibility and mission of each of us.

Ermaos too poor or too scared to visit china? Skali ended up at xj for organ harvest and hard labor

(27-06-2024, 01:51 PM)cityhantam Wrote:   *China 144 hours transit visa.*

China's 144-hour transit visa exemption caught European and American countries off guard, and even the United States began to panic. Originally, in the "Travel Warning List" announced by the United States in April, China was an independent country outside the four levels. As a result, after a large number of Americans flocked to China and received continuous positive reviews, the United States directly listed China as a third-level high-risk tourist destination.

  On the international stage, China has always been known for its wisdom and foresight.  Recently, the Chinese government has once again taken the initiative and opened a 144-hour transit visa-free policy to 54 countries, including Europe and the United States, once again demonstrating China's open attitude and strategic vision.

  This policy was like a bombshell, causing quite a shock in the Western world.  Many countries obviously did not expect that China would take such a bold and decisive step.  The reaction of the United States is particularly eye-catching. This country that has always promoted itself as a "beacon of freedom" actually seems a little at a loss in this matter.

  When China's visa-free policy was first released, the United States included China in the "gray area" of travel warnings. This was an ambiguous attitude.  But as a large number of American tourists flock to China and share their wonderful experiences on social media, the attitude of the US government has also undergone subtle changes.  They quickly upgraded China to a "third-level high-risk tourist destination" in an attempt to prevent their own people from traveling to China.

  However, this approach not only failed to achieve the expected results, but also made more Americans have a strong interest in China.  People are always curious about unknown and forbidden things. The US government's warning has become a powerful booster, making Chinese tourism more popular among the American people.

  At the same time, China's open policy also gives more foreign tourists the opportunity to witness the extraordinary charm of this large Eastern country.  Under their lenses, a civilized, prosperous, safe and friendly China emerges before their eyes.  This is very different from the impression they got from Western media. Those prejudices and misunderstandings are self-evident in the face of personal experience.

  The warm hospitality in the streets, the dazzling scenery of the modern city, and the long-standing cultural heritage all amaze foreign tourists.  They recorded every moment of their trip to China with videos and photos, sharing their touch and joy with the world.

  For a time, Chinese tourism triggered a heated discussion on foreign social media.  Countless netizens were attracted by these true stories and expressed their intention to come to China to find out in person.

  People who have been to China have become the most powerful publicity ambassadors. They use their personal experiences to dispel other people's doubts and strongly recommend their friends to travel to China.

  In this wave of "China fever", China's tourism industry has ushered in an unprecedented moment of glory.  Major scenic spots are crowded with tourists, and it is hard to find a hotel room. All walks of life related to tourism have benefited a lot from this.  At the same time, China has also presented a more three-dimensional and comprehensive image to the world.

  Many foreign politicians have tried to prevent their own people from traveling to China through various means, but their efforts pale in comparison to the truth.  Facts speak louder than words, and nothing can stop people from yearning for and pursuing beautiful things.

  As an American tourist said: "I originally had many prejudices against China, but this trip completely changed my views. I fell in love with this land and the people here."

  Standing at a turning point in history, we have reason to believe that as China opens its door wider and wider, more and more foreign friends will enter China and experience the unique charm of this country for themselves.  And China will surely stand tall among the nations of the world with a more confident and calm attitude.

  In this process, every Chinese person is the best image ambassador.  Let us welcome every foreign friend with enthusiasm and friendliness, interpret the beauty of China with our words and deeds, and let the world know and love China better.  This is the responsibility and mission of each of us.

24/6  think out of the box.

G2G relations do not really trickle down to P2P relations.

Most AMDK enjoy living in China because they are treated like demigods there. The other way round is not true.... the Chinese are not regarded as demigods in Anglo Saxon countries. Being one head shorter, they are about the height of a 12 or 13 year old Ang Mo boy. Demigods where got so katek wan?

It will take a hundred years to change the stereotypes.

Biden or Trump can say whatever they want but when AMDKs get swarmed by Chinese girls, who readily make the V sign with their legs in the air, you tell me which AMDK will say mlmlwml..

Observer = KILLjoy = starbugstk = Dan = lvlrsSTI = OWNER.
Trying so hard to find my Archilles Point wor. Hehe Love

(27-06-2024, 02:52 PM)Oyk Wrote:  G2G relations do not really trickle down to P2P relations.

Most AMDK enjoy living in China because they are treated like demigods there. The other way round is not true.... the Chinese are not regarded as demigods in Anglo Saxon countries. Being one head shorter, they are about the height of a 12 or 13 year old Ang Mo boy. Demigods where got so katek wan?

It will take a hundred years to change the stereotypes.

Biden or Trump can say whatever they want but when AMDKs get swarmed by Chinese girls, who readily make the V sign with their legs in the air, you tell me which AMDK will say mlmlwml..

Stop toking cok!  Laughing

Wish China well. Hope more people visit China and for its ties with other countries to improve.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(28-06-2024, 08:43 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  Stop toking cok!  Laughing

I speak from an eye witness observation. I trust my own eyes how Chinese girls literally hug AMDK like how some peepur would kiss a stone or touch the belly of a ststue as though they'd be mightily blessed by doing that 

With an AMDK, they could go further. They had sex with them. The following day, the AMDK would tell others how hot that slut (their word not mine) was and they loved to zhut zhut their cok (your word, not mine).... so much. And their pussy was so tight as white god gave them the boom boom.

Observer = KILLjoy = starbugstk = Dan = lvlrsSTI = OWNER.
Trying so hard to find my Archilles Point wor. Hehe Love

Not just atb, even fa, lao gay ànd several ermaos here aso dream of zhut zhuting amdk coks

go china and fark those chow cheese. pie

(28-06-2024, 09:23 AM)grotesqueness Wrote:  go china and fark those chow cheese. pie

Pls go now and experience it yourself, then come back and share here!

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