Shanghai - 四月之聲

短片《四月之聲》遭全網刪除。網傳短視頻《四月之聲》控訴當局出爾反爾和封城製造的無數人道災難。該視頻沒有出現不適內容,可能是為避免「太過敏感」。不過,視頻仍然沒有逃過遭全網封禁的命運。| #大紀元新聞網 - YouTube

this video in china, 5 hours 400 millions viewership, the more they censored, the more they post.
let see this april can be like june in 1989 & make it bigger across china to riot & protest together, with internet time today compared to 1989, can balless china people awake.

一部嚇尿了中共的影片,牆內5小時4億次觀看, 不停被刪,卻不斷被更多人轉發----《四月之聲》

4.24 【中國遍地開花!】崑山居民起事,上海封城輻射江淅,官追民反,全國出現群體事件,星星之火 可以燎原!


Wow Kokee now want to suck shanghai
Coks also.🤣🤣🤣

Careful hor moronic kokee king of know nuts preaching Falun Gong hor hiaz

Kokee says he was born in Shanghai....roadside and raised by angmo dogs.🤣🤣🤣

this video in china, 5 hours 400 millions viewership, the more they censored, the more they post.
let see this april can be like june in 1989 & make it bigger across china to riot & protest together, with internet time today compared to 1989, can balless china people awake.

一部嚇尿了中共的影片,牆內5小時4億次觀看, 不停被刪,卻不斷被更多人轉發----《四月之聲》

4.24 【中國遍地開花!】崑山居民起事,上海封城輻射江淅,官追民反,全國出現群體事件,星星之火 可以燎原!


Careful hor moronic kokee king of know nuts preaching Falun Gong hor hiaz



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