Since I LOVE to drink WuMao Tears, I Will Bring Another WuMao To Deserved Justice

Lemonpeach Wumao in EDMW works for a US tech company dealing in sensitive industry. This is obvious by the fact that he told everyone he is made to undergo polygraph tests.

Lemonpeach Wumao so stewpig thought that he can get away with shilling for the CCP the COMMUNIST PARTY OF THE CHINESE while leeching and exploiting the IP of American tech firms by posting his crimes and shills in a Singapore registered forum. Lemonpeach Wumao thought that only US citizens can report him to the FBI so he is safe. He He He He. Laughing Laughing  Rotfl  Rotfl 

Lemonpeach Wumao doesn't know US is the country with the 4th most number of Singaporeans (#1 is Malaysai obviously) and there are no shortage of US-based Singaporeans who readily would tip off the FBI and NSA about him.  Laughing Laughing 

Lemonpeach Wumao doesn't know that there are ways for people outside the US to submit a report to the FBI.

Lemonpeach Wumao doesn't know that FBI already publicly told the world after COVID CHINA VIRUS that they had a docket of over 3,000 Chinese espionage and other Chinese funded cases of theft and sabotage and other IP crimes in American universities, colleges, labs, corporations and think tanks.
Lemonpeach Wumao doesn't know that NSA has the infrastructure to conduct worldwide spying once a tip off report is given to FBI.  Laughing Laughing Clapping
The NSA currently conducts worldwide mass data collection and has been known to physically bug electronic systems as one method to this end.[13] The NSA is also alleged to have been behind such attack software as Stuxnet, which severely damaged Iran's nuclear program

Lemonpeach Wumao doesn't know that there are so many people outside the US who love to drink WuMao Tears. 

May Lemonpeach Wumao forever live in fear. Fear of losing everything. Fear of being dio pok. Fear of paying for his crimes. Fear every time he is anywhere alone. Or at home.  Rotfl

Because the Jig is UP... 
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Rotfl Rotfl Rotfl
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(22-04-2024, 08:29 PM)satayxp Wrote:  [Image: IMG-3044.jpg]


Rotfl Rotfl Rotfl

Lemonpeach is next already leeported by the Singkies in USA to the US authorities.
Laughing Laughing

It must be traumatizing have to watch your back everytime U are alone. This is the Price to Pay for being a WUMAO DOG for a Failed State in Rapid Decline
Rotfl Rotfl Rotfl
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[Image: Screenshot-2024-05-15-5-20-00-PM.png]

ISD detains S'porean Dickson Yeo, who spied for China, for acting as paid agent of foreign state

Dickson Yeo has been detained under the Internal Security Act for two years. PHOTO: DICKSON YEO/FACEBOOK
Hariz Baharudin
Indonesia Correspondent
UPDATED JUN 16, 2021, 05:53 AM

SINGAPORE - A Singaporean man who had worked for China's intelligence services since 2015 has been detained for two years under the Internal Security Act (ISA) for being a threat to Singapore.

Dickson Yeo, 40, had acted as a paid agent of a foreign state, said the Internal Security Department (ISD) on Tuesday (June 15).

He was arrested by the ISD on Dec 30 last year, after he was deported to Singapore from the United States upon completion of a 14-month jail term for spying for China in the US. Yeo was issued an order of detention under the ISA on Jan 29.
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