Singapore’s Riches Grew Under Its Leader. So Did Discontent.

Singapore’s Riches Grew Under Its Leader. So Did Discontent.

Quote:Singapore is one of the most expensive cities in the world, but it does not have a minimum wage. Housing prices have surged, and many Singaporeans say social mobility has dropped considerably. Others complain that freedom of expression is still tightly controlled, if less so than before. The strains are exacerbated by the need for overseas workers; about 40 percent of Singapore’s nearly six million people are not citizens.
Quote:Mr. Wong has tried to project an everyman image: He was raised in public housing, did not attend the same elite schools as his predecessors, and loves playing the guitar. Mr. Lee will stay on as “senior minister,” as his father did after stepping down in 1990. Mr. Lee has said that his children are not interested in entering politics.

(15-05-2024, 02:28 PM)Bigiron Wrote:  Singapore’s Riches Grew Under Its Leader. So Did Discontent.

Our leaders have absolutely no idea how to increase productivity, so they invite wealthy foreigners to park their funds into a tax haven like S'pore by granting them tax breaks under secrecy as well as fast tracking them to PR and SG citizenship.  These foreigners buy up freehold land like our Ministers, thereby increasing the wealth gap between them and the masses who live in pigeon holes on 99-year leases. The elite (foreigners and our govt) are able to pass on their freehold properties to their children while the hoi polloi are forced to return their HDB flats to the govt when the lease expires.  
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