Singapore children are getting fatter and it’s worrying especially during a pandemic

Singapore children are getting fatter and it’s worrying especially during a pandemic

Many obesity-related healthcare problems are preventable, and children are at an ideal stage of early intervention, says Thomson Paediatric Centre’s Lim Yang Chern.

SINGAPORE: As a paediatrician assessing children with acute COVID-19 infection for their suitability for home recovery during this pandemic, it struck me that a worrying proportion appeared overweight.

As part of any paediatric assessment, we routinely ask for their weight as dosage of medications is often based on weight.

By my estimate, about one in five kids I saw was overweight (body mass index over 85th percentile) or worse, obese (above 95th percentile). One child in primary school was even morbidly obese, that is, the Body Mass Index (BMI) was higher than 99 per cent of children of the same age.

What I am seeing in my clinic is reflective of national data and it worries me. About 13 per cent of Singapore schoolchildren were obese in 2017, up from 11 per cent in 2013, according to the Ministry of Health (MOH)’s National Population Health Survey when data on childhood obesity was last captured.

The pandemic has made things worse. KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital reported seeing more cases of overweight children since COVID-19 hit.

This might be due to a more sedentary lifestyle amid restrictions. Schoolchildren couldn’t mingle with friends in other classes during recess, participate in group activities like PE and co-curricular activities or when they were stuck at home for home-based learning.


Fat cute mah...u want your kids skinny boney sucken eyes meh?

Go study northern China why no fat people.

Singaporean culture eating

Overweight is not so much of a problem for children who exercise and have a good diet. The issue are those who don't. Many such people around. Recently, one woman who is quite slim and in her mid-30s told me she had high cholesterol and it's not due to family history. I was like...WTF...she will get heart attack before she is 50.

Result of ho jiak ho koon... 祸从口出 病从口入 
If they r not lazy anytime anywhere can cut the extra kilos

There is no right or wrong decisions. 
One only has to bear the consequences that one makes  Big Grin

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