Today I eat beef whole day

Time is good or bad?

u arr? Chameleons
change color according to the background

(19-03-2022, 09:31 AM)dynamite Wrote:  Time is good or bad?
Beef is very nutritious and healthy. Expensive too.

[Image: IMAG6911.jpg]

a new taking over
federal reserve notes returned to owner
US notes is the notes of the people
Bad Foods Poison and diseases
Good u barter what u got
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-03-19-11-21-02.png]

[Image: IMAG6912.jpg]

your beef is those cheap ones.

(19-03-2022, 11:39 AM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  your beef is those cheap ones.

I use chuck tender. $25 a kg. I know how to cook it soft. Outside beef horfun stalls use cheapest cut like $12-15 a kg type. And they give you a few thin slices only.

(19-03-2022, 11:39 AM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  your beef is those cheap ones.

i can only hear what u thinking abt
Beef from animals patted to sleep
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-03-19-11-48-52.png]

(19-03-2022, 11:44 AM)dynamite Wrote:  I use chuck tender. $25 a kg. I know how to cook it soft. Outside beef horfun stalls use cheapest cut like $12-15 a kg type. And they give you a few thin slices only.

(19-03-2022, 09:31 AM)dynamite Wrote:  Time is good or bad?

For you time is good.

tomorrow will be a better day

[Image: IMAG6915.jpg]


(19-03-2022, 12:20 PM)drgn Wrote:

Slow cook Chuck tender 2-3hours and meat become soft but shrink 50%. My secret method cook in a few minutes and become as tender or more tender than a tenderloin.

(19-03-2022, 04:57 PM)dynamite Wrote:  Slow cook Chuck tender 2-3hours and meat become soft but shrink 50%. My secret method cook in a few minutes and become as tender or more tender than a tenderloin.

there is no secret.

there are many ways to tenderise meat.

mechanical way:  hammer, beating, slow cook.

chemical way :  enzyme powder. e.g papain from green payaya.
                          baking power.

coat the meat with egg and corn flour will also make the meat more tender.

BUT, the best way is to use tender meat, that's why they are more expensive.

(20-03-2022, 10:15 AM)drgn Wrote:  there is no secret.

there are many ways to tenderise meat.

mechanical way:  hammer, beating, slow cook.

chemical way :  enzyme powder. e.g papain from green payaya.
                          baking power.

coat the meat with egg and corn flour will also make the meat more tender.

BUT, the best way is to use tender meat, that's why they are more expensive.

U can go and try. Or you can buy the $50 cut. Up to you.

(19-03-2022, 11:44 AM)dynamite Wrote:  I use chuck tender. $25 a kg. I know how to cook it soft. Outside beef horfun stalls use cheapest cut like $12-15 a kg type. And they give you a few thin slices only.

Where you buy from?

(20-03-2022, 10:54 AM)dynamite Wrote:  U can go and try. Or you can buy the $50 cut. Up to you.

Is it a hint  Rotfl

(20-03-2022, 11:59 AM)watchfirst9 Wrote:  Is it a hint  Rotfl

What he cut and paste from internet, I have already done the practical R&D.

(20-03-2022, 10:56 AM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  Where you buy from?


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