Singapore is So Ridiculously Expensive!

Yet at the same time attract many foreigners come earn SGD monies. Becuz workpass is like toilet paper roll after roll give out.

expensive. cos by increasing number of foreigner here. made us local suffer in all sort of cost. not liveable anymore

Expensive for citizens but Cheap for foreigners

because they go back to their home once/ few times a year

to buy clothes, shoes, pans, lunch boxes . . . etc

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

again crap Loo video , no body go rebark him so your theory of become millionaire from CPF ? WHY SO WORRY SINCE EVERYONE IS MILLIONAIRE from their CPF huh.

Good stuff doesn't come cheap.

Whom did he vote?

If you knows, can even find cheap quality rental homes, free eggs delivered, nasi padang at 2.5.


Nowadays hawker centre charge kopi / tea same price as foodcourt .....but their rental charges are difference ...hawker centre rental much cheaper than foodcourt.....
[+] 1 user Likes ysh02's post

One ultra stupid Malaysian Traitor commented this-

[Image: Co-L-benefits-poor-people-June-23.png]

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

OG. some SG talk forumers said dont complain.
they said coe exp dont buy car, public transport fare increased just walk loh,
hawker food exp then cook your own foods at home, (likewise , fish exp go fishing, vege exp go plant own, etc.)
they also said you can always dont be a sinki. ( then be what? dive in bedok reservoir then either be deities in heaven or ghosts in hell!! )

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