Singapore is not a parasite dependent only on its neighbors

We are dependent on our neighbors for good relations. If there is trouble in the region it is detrimental.

We should wish our neighbours well and that they succeed. Because if they do badly there is risk they will externalise their problems. When they do well we will prosper together.

Let me.offer a story.

One day while I was visiting a sick friend in NUH. I went to the Kent Ridge food court to eat. As I sat at food court suddenly, I realise there was a group of men sitting at a few table away. What I saw I could hardly believe .

Among the men was someone who looked like ex President of Indonesia Yudhoyono. Really looked like him but I wasn't sure. The other men were likely his bodyguard.

Some time after this incident, it was reported that President Yudhoyono's wife had passed away and had received treatment at NUH and he thanked NUH.

I was rather surprised by the humility of President
Yudhoyono to eat at our food court. He trusted the our hospital to seek treatment for his wife here.

It left a deep impact on me. And the thing we all have to understand is the type of relationship we have we countries around us often is the result of how we view them.

Indonesia is a giant that will emerge and dominant politics, defense and economics in the region. We are lucky that their previous leader and current leader are men of humility and we should work with them to strengthen relationships.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

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