女王逝世 港人為何到現在還眷戀英治時期

(10-09-2022, 11:54 AM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote:  aiyo, 这么爱羊爹羊妈,不知道它们有没有爱你? 还只是一厢情愿,自作多情而已? really df




(11-09-2022, 08:33 AM)kangtangman Wrote:  這是奴性的表象,因為這些人都被西方人的謊言給洗腦到導致無法自拔的得侮辱中國人。



That why CCP regime ish so successful in controlling China and China always run by dictators despise numerous peasant rebellions happened through history. After all Chinese ish said to process the most 奴性 one, even they revolt they just change from one emperor to an other.

There was a time when the country asked ordinary men to do extraordinary things.

But now, they'll only do it for money.

[Image: Screenshot-20220911-084808-Chrome.jpg]

蹲在笼屋里 their "heaven", 怀念皇阿妈的恩典

(11-09-2022, 08:42 AM)Soulhacker Wrote:  That why CCP regime ish so successful in controlling China and China always run by dictators despise numerous peasant rebellions happened through history. After all Chinese ish said to process the most 奴性 one, even they revolt they just change from one emperor to an other.

So what you’re saying is that Chinese will forever have the habit of being “奴性” or “servility mentality” whoever the leader or in your words dictator may be. 

And why would it be just the CCP alone, your claim is biased. Back in the colonial day of Hong Kong, how many protests were not brought to stop under the British rules? How different is this between the CCP and the British rules?

(10-09-2022, 01:38 PM)kokee Wrote:  no surprised!
humanity between the 2 is heaven to hell!
human heart is clear, they can see & feel!
by force, you will never win the people! like all comie dogs here, lick evil 7/24 is useless, only dogs agree & believe their lies & shit!

9.10【 英女王v.s.習近平! 】"該死的不死!" 忽然成為內地熱門搜尋!習近平永遠無法成為心目中的皇帝!

(09-09-2022, 12:53 PM)kokee Wrote:  what kind of moronic statement! 
like all moronic comie dogs here, must lick & worship ccp 7/24, china is saviour, hero, self claimed? my foot, worse than xxx!
by force! love also force thru, sex also? whole world know well, mao has how many woman? how about xxxxx? or all the china leaders? wet  dream of comie dogs here? hahaaa!
in china, no choice! they can force this thru in china but outside china, who F care! F off!
everyday BS, wet dream, bark but no action, complain, blame, that is all these dogs do & shout here 7/24!


(10-09-2022, 09:41 AM)kokee Wrote:  comie dogs  here very piss off with the words 奴性, they feel very bad about their core & in their blood!
all these copy cat, twist & lies like communist sources of BS & lies!
what  I posted here is truth & fact, they can bark from their ass without supporting & know nut!

all these dogs here cannot differentiate between 奴性 & appreciation, they just tulan what I wrote about china 奴性 & finger point back, that is all, norm to all these comie dogs here in all their posts & threads!

(09-09-2022, 01:55 PM)kokee Wrote:  they know who treat them well!
they know when is their happiest & best time in life!
no need to by force, no need to use force! no need to lies & con!



(11-09-2022, 09:01 AM)kangtangman Wrote:  So what you’re saying is that Chinese will forever have the habit of being “奴性” or “servility mentality” whoever the leader or in your words dictator may be. 

And why would it be just the CCP alone, your claim is biased. Back in the colonial day of Hong Kong, how many protests were not brought to stop under the British rules? How different is this between the CCP and the British rules?

Of cause there are still hope for Chinese. Taiwanese already succeeded in removing their “奴性” and gain their real independent from KMT iron fist for more than 3 decades. That why CCP have to destroy Taiwan as it ish setting a very bad example for rest of the Chinese community worldwide to suggest that democracy and liberty can still work in a pure chinese society.

As for the different with Hong Kong ish that Hong Kong people during the colonial era didn't really fight for their independent, if you actually go study that those 'protest' ish mainly incited by pro-communist movement to anti-capitalism and anti-colonial british rather than fighting for their independent. In fact last time a lot of them are naive enough to trust CCP words and choose unification rather than their own independent. That why they are suffering nao.

We sinkie though also same initially many of the protest are also incited by pro-communists group here to anti-colonial and anti-capitalism and not really about gaining independent, but heng we still have some forefathers with better foresight that try to steer the fights toward independence instead rather than being a tool for communism to spread chaos and disorder against the west, and we do gotten our independent from the British in the end what.

And that's the main different between the AMDK regime that you hated so much and the CCP today that you seem to love so much. British did not built concentration camp to re-educate sinkie or roll our ancestors under tanks to die die must hold on to their power one. They actually give it up if you fight hard enough, and not just violently through riots and war. While CCP just roll you under tanks or send your to some camp to be reeducated or harvested regardless you are protesting peacefully or not.

There was a time when the country asked ordinary men to do extraordinary things.

But now, they'll only do it for money.
[+] 1 user Likes Soulhacker's post

(09-06-2022, 12:16 PM)kokee Wrote:  slavery mentality of china people, in their blood, in their culture & history.


as above & below!

(09-07-2022, 07:48 PM)kokee Wrote:  this is a book on how to rule china people for last 3000 yrs, already inside the blood of china people to become slavery today.
china rule by other race in 元 and 清, also after qing, west also conquer china, you can see clearly the slavery blood inside china people all these time.
Now people inside china, dare not fight for their right & freedom in covid but will they let their only son under 1 child policy to go for war & die for the moronic ccp? then their whole family tree will be gone forever as no more child to continue now, very nice, LOL LOL.



(09-09-2022, 07:01 PM)kokee Wrote:  such a humble queen, friendly with humanity, nice personality & graceful!
unlike all these china hooligan bastard! look at all their shit face, evil look & treat china slavery like dirt!



most HK people feel the love & peace from the queen!
unlike today insane hooligan!

劉夢熊:悼念英女王 和平與愛的象徵


(11-09-2022, 09:26 AM)Soulhacker Wrote:  Of cause there are still hope for Chinese. Taiwanese already succeeded in removing their “奴性” and gain their real independent from KMT iron fist for more than 3 decades. That why CCP have to destroy Taiwan as it ish setting a very bad example for rest of the Chinese community worldwide to suggest that democracy and liberty can still work in a pure chinese society.

As for the different with Hong Kong ish that Hong Kong people during the colonial era didn't really fight for their independent, if you actually go study that those 'protest' ish mainly incited by pro-communist movement to anti-capitalism and anti-colonial british rather than fighting for their independent. In fact last time a lot of them are naive enough to trust CCP words and choose unification rather than their own independent. That why they are suffering nao.

We sinkie though also same initially many of the protest are also incited by pro-communists group here to anti-colonial and anti-capitalism and not really about gaining independent, but heng we still have some forefathers with better foresight that try to steer the fights toward independence instead rather than being a tool for communism to spread chaos and disorder against the west, and we do gotten our independent from the British in the end what.

And that's the main different between the AMDK regime that you hated so much and the CCP today that you seem to love so much. British did not built concentration camp to re-educate sinkie or roll our ancestors under tanks to die die must hold on to their power one. They actually give it up if you fight hard enough, and not just violently through riots and war. While CCP just roll you under tanks or send your to some camp to be reeducated or harvested regardless you are protesting peacefully or not.

I have a different view as yours. When you said that Taiwanese has succeeded in removing “servility mentality” or “奴性” I beg to differ on that. But that’s another discussion altogether. 

Everybody knows that both China & Taiwan is one China, and this is proven as well as acknowledged by many nations in UN. And in Taiwan constitution, they too recognised that China belongs to them. Therefore it is subject to which sides get to “recover” each other, and by the look at the situation China stand to gain. Also the word “recover” of China was being constituted by Chiang KaiSek back in the 50’s which we need to clearly state that and subsequently was dubbed by the Chinese eventually.

And much like your claimed of me hating the westerners, I would say the same as you would be hating the Chinese just as much. Not to give much excuses of my “hate” against the westerners, one must recognised that the US regime have created many instability in many parts of the world. Unless you deny on that, then I digress.

What I am trying to put across here is that we need to have a balanced view with the situations, so as to allow a more constructive discussion here in this forum. But many times we sees more biased or skewed views instead. 

An example would be the constant bashing on China situations where emotion response will includes into the forum here. For instant Sichuan earthquake consider as a retributions but earthquake happened elsewhere or in the western land nothing mentioned. 

This forum is supposed to allow us to have a constructive discussions but it turn out to be bashing on each other with name callings, cursing, etc. nothing objectively discussed. Instead more on personal basis, showing our immaturity.  Reflecting our knowledge level being naive. 

You have every right to your opinion, while I have mine. We were supposed to bring our views to the table for discussion and try to respect each other views, not trying to force it down onto others. That’s the democratic society we are in. But looking at some of the postings here, especially for those who hated the Chinese here are simply overwhelming. Just my opinion.
[+] 2 users Like kangtangman's post

(01-09-2022, 06:24 PM)kokee Wrote:  I already said many time here, 中天 is communist tv station in taiwan!
all the BS & lies exactly the same as comie dogs here bark 7/24!
comie dogs here used ton of 中天 youtube to con or brainwash brainless here day & night!
taiwan is a news & speech freedom country, democratic & allow opposition to voice their view, taiwan people must judge themselves to differentiate lies from truth & fact!
but 中天 is totally different, this is a 漢奸 station. Opposition is ok but not sell away your country to enemy, this is not democratic, is 賣國賊!!!

"大家以後不要再看中天了"! 曹興誠記者會當面嗆中天記者"不要臉" 更痛批中天簡直是"匪台"

well said by UMC robert Tsao again!
dont get conned by ccp china 1 country 2 system again, this evil will never keep to their promise, what 50 yrs unchanged, all lies & BS! taiwan will never agree to this rubbish, only moron will trust this bastard anymore!
end of dictatorship, democratic is the best system today, vote for the govt by the people & for the people!
voice for your life, not follow instruction, freedom is the most valuable thing in your life, also human right!



[Image: Screenshot-20220910-150148-Chrome.jpg]

想不到贼婆还有那么多老小粉丝 Laughing

(10-09-2022, 05:58 PM)kokee Wrote:  as above!
at least queen never force you to like UK!
she did her jobs well with humanity, care for the people sincerely!

英女王過世  港人英領館外單膝跪地含淚悼念  她係港人精神支柱  她冇逼港人愛英  風華絕代

responsible for 70 yrs, persistent on her job!



The socialist gov bring the 800 mil Chinese people to middle class.  

That is the best gov.  

[Image: Kokee43-2.png]
[+] 1 user Likes webinarian's post

(12-09-2022, 06:15 PM)kokee Wrote:  responsible for 70 yrs, persistent on her job!


No one stopped you from going to England, the diminishing imperialist.  

[Image: Kokee43-2.png]
[+] 1 user Likes webinarian's post

It is human habit that we always reminisce about the past, even though the past may not be better than the current.

Also, HKers think that when they're under British rule, they can hide behind their colonial masters and act as though they're the masters! Just like many of our civil servants, they act as though they're little LKYs.

look at the queue in HK to pay their last respect to queen!
spore & US also half flag!
if winnie xi? LOL LOL!
people will react to their heart!



[Image: Screenshot-20220910-150148-Chrome.jpg]

这么多 sorhai 还眷恋着这贼婆啊? 有没有跪舔?

Ah Kock

民族败类 汉奸走狗。 



just look at the crowd in HK queue to pay respect to queen!
after almost 25 yrs return, they still show such condolence to her!
this is truth & fact!

9.13【役情最前線】悼念英女王排長龍,市民: 民心所向



(13-09-2022, 08:41 AM)webinarian Wrote:  Ah Kock

民族败类 汉奸走狗。 


https://media.tenor.com/mWXg3GzhYzMAAAAM...n-hart.gif https://media.tenor.com/3KPr6V2O-xIAAAAM...-smile.gif https://media.tenor.com/9Jpj6U1Bq9YAAAAM...ically.gif 

Shameless slave kokee go take your medicine bananas cheo kau peng hor LL

super long queue, at least 3 hrs to send your flower!



(13-09-2022, 08:41 AM)webinarian Wrote:  Ah Kock

民族败类 汉奸走狗。 


https://media.tenor.com/mWXg3GzhYzMAAAAM...n-hart.gif https://media.tenor.com/9Jpj6U1Bq9YAAAAM...ically.gif https://media.tenor.com/k3lnFoS7_2QAAAAM...-laugh.gif

queen is irreplaceable!!



(13-09-2022, 08:41 AM)webinarian Wrote:  Ah Kock

民族败类 汉奸走狗。 


https://media.tenor.com/9Jpj6U1Bq9YAAAAM...ically.gif https://media.tenor.com/mWXg3GzhYzMAAAAM...n-hart.gif https://media.tenor.com/eWTxq7C0RzIAAAAM...ughter.gif 

Shameless slave kokee go take your medicine bananas cheo kau peng hor LL

after almostb 24 yrs of UK leaving HK, still ton of HK people pay their respect to the queen!
HK communist govt panic now!!

9.13 【港共內心的恐懼!】港人排山倒海到英領館悼念英女王,引發港共政權倒台恐懼


queue in HK non stop everyday!
many country leaders  are not invited including russia, myanmar & many more, china? LOL LOL!

感念英女王對港貢獻 香港民眾領事館外排隊獻花


(15-09-2022, 07:11 PM)kokee Wrote:  queue in HK non stop everyday!
many country leaders  are not invited including russia, myanmar & many more, china? LOL LOL!

感念英女王對港貢獻 香港民眾領事館外排隊獻花

You didn't go meh?

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