Singapore turbulence flight investigation finds sharp altitude drop caused injuries

Preliminary findings of an investigation into a Singapore Airlines flight hit by severe turbulence last week showed a rapid change in gravitational force and a 54 metre altitude drop caused injuries, Singapore's transport ministry said on Wednesday.

The report also said a pilot was heard calling out that the fasten seat belt sign had been switched on.

(30-05-2024, 08:26 AM)theold Wrote:  Preliminary findings of an investigation into a Singapore Airlines flight hit by severe turbulence last week showed a rapid change in gravitational force and a 54 metre altitude drop caused injuries, Singapore's transport ministry said on Wednesday. The report also said a pilot was heard calling out that the fasten seat belt sign had been switched on.

I don't believe that a board of inquiry or investigation team is required to report that turbulence occurs when a plane hits a strong wind current that pushes or pulls it down. Even though most commercial flights go high enough to avoid such wind patterns, gusts may happen at any altitude.

Pls tell us something that we don't know, example who is the pilot etc...


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