Singapore won’t let Israel-Gaza war divide multiracial society, compromise

Singapore won’t let Israel-Gaza war divide multiracial society, compromise security: Lawrence Wong

If LW is taking a principled position, he should be condemning Israel and not tell more grandmother stories

This is NOT rocket science, who is conducting genocide, is so farking clear to see, if you have a principled approach

Quote:The city state must “consistently take a principled position, in line with international law and in support of global peace and security”, he said during an hours-long parliamentary session to discuss the conflict.
“On that basis, we have voted in favour of many Palestinian-related resolutions at the UN over the years,” he said, citing how Singapore criticised Israel’s settlement activities in the West Bank and voted against a United Nations resolution to declare a unilateral US recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.
“Such moves by Israel detract from the two-state solution, and that’s partly the reason why more and more Palestinians feel that violence is the only way to achieve their goals,” Wong said. “The international community must therefore give Palestinians a reason to think otherwise.”

Singapore has voted against US and Israel on the issue on many occasions.

Israel already killed 10,000 in Gaza recently. At some point it makes no sense for US to support all these killings as it undermines its own moral authority

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

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