Singaporean baby girl mother, drink almost 5 liters of own milk

Singaporean young mother: Unfortunately, the pumped milk, I did not dare to throw away, so I drank almost 5 liters by myself.

The foreign news agency has published the story of a young woman, a young mother named Jamie Lim, 29 years old, who has gone viral in tik tok. After she posted a video clip while on vacation in Japan, she never got the chance to drink the famous Hokkaido milk because she only drank her own milk.

Jamie Lim just gave birth to a baby on Sept 13, and she pumped some milk for the baby herself. until the beginning of the month She and her husband travelled to Japan together which during that trip. She pumped milk with the intention of taking it back for the baby to drink. But the problem arises.

Breast milk taste horrid!

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