Singaporean singer Stefanie Sun’s younger sister announces...
[+] 1 user Likes theold's post

this sagat really shake head...
later i summarise some extra i gathered...

this one better article

Sun Yanmei is a top student who graduated with a master's degree in medicine from the National University of Singapore. She is a doctor by profession. She and her sister Stefanie Sun are 6 years apart in age. In fact, the two sisters look very similar. Even Jay Chou and Sammi Cheng have mistakenly recognized each other. In the past, they often got together in social groups and their relationship has been pretty good.

the sister has a blog -> geneandgod. but she locked the website. you can beo her weibo if u want...

she started the weibo in 2018.
most of her followers are of cos stefanie's fans cos they follow her cos of her sis.....
then on it, u can read urself... she rant a bit of her unhappiness here and there... those obvious one, can see ish about her rants about family...

basically she buay song her parents are touring with stefanie when she performs in china...
then never visit her in australia...

i read some private conversations she had with yanzi's fans...
seems like she run to australia in 2019 after buay gum with family and after that strayed apart with family...
study law, cannot find job also complain..

mouth says dun want to be linked to family, but her earlier posts all about her so-called "trauma" of being a celebrity's sister... or that she was not favoured as much by her father...

What happen to these 2 meows meows?

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Not popular now make up story to let people notice about them.

her early life smooth smooth enjoy the perks of being celebrity sister...

now old riao, life not smooth smlj blame sister for 'overshadowing'...

I saw Stephanie when she was 10 years old. My nephew and her were taken care by the same Nanny. Her family is very wealthy. Stephanie is also a graduate.

So lucky got people want to take her photo.

(06-01-2024, 01:49 PM)pinkpanther Wrote:  What happen to these 2 meows meows?

[+] 1 user Likes grotesqueness's post

same like lee sian long no longer is brother to lee hsien Yang

gathered-from-weibo summary

the younger sis studied medicine in sg. was a doctor
one day suddenly dunwant to be doc. say last time choose to be doc ish becos father want it....SYZ father angry... she run away
she run to australia 2017 2019?, study law.
that time SYZ still post online supportively about her decision to further studies...

younger sis went on weibo. syz fans asked why she there. she say cannot make friends in aust school..
study finish law riao, cannot find job..

basically family been asking her to go back to being doc but she dunwant...
family member meditating (said to be SYZ) trying to patch up her relations with the father but not working...
then the younger sis see the father touring with SYZ in china yet never fly australia visit her feel even more jelly and buaysong...
she would go weibo and post abit here and there.... rant about her living under ppl's shadow trauma. even said to hab posted some family chat...
rumoured that SYZ team ask her to delete some of her post ( or maybe ish fans go and reported it until it got deleted), so now the younger sis accusing SYZ of doing 小动作

actually seems to me the sis ish some intellectual (since now ish medicine and law grad) , that cannot accept failure/setback...
maybe her life in australia too miserable..
everything taiji blame the past...


有钱人的烦恼。 Rotfl

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