Singaporeans financial health fall to record low

SINGAPORE: A new OCBC survey suggests that the financial health of Singapore people has declined for the second consecutive year and has reached an all-time low. The report also found that poor economic conditions have also prompted people to postpone their retirement plans.

OCBC interviewed 2,000 workers aged 21 to 65 in August as part of this year’s Financial Wellness Index. Singapore scored 60 points this year. A set of 24 indicators was used to measure financial wellness, and Singapore scored a much poorer result in 15 of these indicators as compared to last year. The “retirement planning” indicator suffered the greatest decline, falling from 47 points last year to 40 points this year. 79 per cent of Singaporeans surveyed have not made a retirement plan or are not following the plan.

beri close to starvation Stalls close early no traffic
singlion today goes pawnshop tendered ioz of gold get 2473 for 6 mths
credit card loans 6ooo wrong wrong 4000pay mthly 200 min pay in 4 accounts from same bank
Bank beri gian still send cheque for loan min loan 2000
everytime singlion pays a bit mor Bank sends another cheque.

ask singlion in sms to spend mor
in these foray into plandemic inflation meaning lockdown no real production still get money singlion used the credit card loan buy gold at 2400. today pawn 2473
Bnak can tak back 2700.
cash at POSB 400. Cash at hand 2000
remit 12 000 000 RP costs 1063 SGD
1 bag of old silver coins
dat's all

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