The world may never reach herd immunity against Covid-19

Countries like China that have pursued tight Covid-Zero policies by attempting to wipe out every infection, may eventually have to consider a looser stance. 

Others like the U.S. and U.K. which have opened up despite a resurgence in the virus run the risk of wave after wave of infection.

Vaccines so far haven’t been the quick fix some had hoped for. Israel, among the most vaccinated countries in the world, has already started administering booster shots, amid evidence that the current immunisations aren’t offering the protection that was hoped.

We will need booster shot every half year.

Expected for rushed developed vaccines...


by 2025 cannot settle or not?

Other forms of vaccine administration coming thru 
[Image: group-dance.gif]

There is no right or wrong decisions. 
One only has to bear the consequences that one makes  Big Grin

Scientists losing battle against all will get the disease sooner later..

The vaxed ones will live longer, got base protection mah n the unvaxed ones will die faster.

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