Singtel really milk National Day over a non issue

Every year, National Day come and went without 5G

Now Singtel want to make 5G as a National Day celebration enabler

Like real, streaming does not need 5G to be effective

What it needs is bandwidth, not speed

What a bunch of abject morons from Singtel

Just like PAP, totally clueless!!

I'm using 5G with a brand new 5G phone now. It's all bullshit! I doubt there's even 4G in SG.

SG mobile is all a ripoff!

As per present default system good enough. 
Don't want to pay additional charges.

I know a few years ago

Singaporeans were angry with Singtel

because Singtel celebrated Philippines Day

and not National Day in August

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

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