Sinkie girl annoyed at bf for holding them back coz he is unvaxxed

Me: When did you first decide that you weren’t going to get vaccinated? How did you come to this decision?

Boyfriend: I think I first decided when the Pfizer vaccine was undergoing development and when I saw the haste at which it was being developed.

I felt uneasy because there wasn't enough data to support taking mRNA vaccines. My main concern is that you don’t know what the long-term effects are and that it seems rather pointless to be taking such a vaccine when you could put it off and get a better vaccine in the future.

I would say I’m definitely more inclined to take non-mRNA vaccines (such as Sinovac, Sinopharm, or Novavax).

Did you consider how your decision to not get vaccinated would affect me, or our relationship?

I mean I did consider it, of course. But I felt that it wouldn’t make much of a difference to our dates. Whether we go to a restaurant or a hawker centre, I don’t feel like it would affect the quality of our dates as much because we’re still spending time with each other.

Like, I don’t feel that there’s much that we can’t do, except for going out to restaurants, because I’m not vaccinated. I didn’t feel like that would be a major issue.

I mean I definitely felt a bit sian because I felt like we were being held back from doing a lot of things.

Like what?

Like eating out, for example. Going out to a new restaurant is something that we like to do on dates.

And also because of the measures a month before, we’ve had to dabao food or eat at home for so long. Now that the measures are lifted for vaccinated people, it just feels extra sian that I won’t be able to do that with you. Especially when I see everyone else being able to go out.

I understand that. I’m sorry, but what can I do?

Get vaccinated lor *laughs*.

No thank you!

More at

Just change a partner. Lol

hahahaha true

From what the boyfriend said, he is not anti vax, but rather anti mRNA.

So did he consider taking other non mRNA vaccines?

Or is he waiting for Novavax, which will only be in by end of this year, if no delay..

1. I have served the nation in a combat unit for 2.5 + 10 years. I had fulfilled my duty as a citizen, but has the country do it's part for me?
2. I don't know where the threat of CCP is, but I know the threat of CECA is already at my doorsteps
3. I had been called a CCP, JHK, Pinoy, but they never called me a CECA..

Not just restaurants hor. A lot of small kopitiams or small shops also act tough on non vax. Damn frustrating when u spend time going to a stall and told to dapao only.

Eg....I love this desert shop, no aircon wan at Jurong West. Very small shop which only has 4 or 5 tables. Damn dulan told me must vax then can eat there. Ya WTF thats my last visit to give u business!

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