Sometimes is SO WRONG IN SG , WE LOCALS train to be slaves, workers??

I see Malaysians, other foreigners in SG, MOST OF them are actually SMC Boss behind

even come durian sellers, hawker Mostly Malaysians boss

even come Mobile shop, behind is Malaysian boss.

Whereas we locals Singaporeans? Train to be workers ???

BY right should be WE Singaporeans are the boss offer jobs to Malaysians , foreginers.

NOT ANOTHER WAY ROUND. No wonder Malaysian in SG , foreigners getting rich and richer than locals

We are all trained to follow law and order.
Not supposed to innovate or create. The default order is to vote for pap.

In the end, only foreigners are licensed to be innovative and creative. Locals will be given chicken wings and be cleaners and delivery bots.

Many sinkies already fled to angmoh countries.


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