Spain: Moving from managing a pandemic to managing an endemic.

These declarations were received with reluctance, considered premature by a good part of the doctors and epidemiologists, Spain undergoing a peak of contagions because of the end of year celebrations. But Madrid's idea is precisely that this wave be the last to be managed in this way, and to adopt a new monitoring system, closer to that in force for seasonal flu epidemics.

Overstretched healthcare system
In the meantime, the country is still recording contagion records, with an incidence of more than 3,000 cases per 100,000 inhabitants over fourteen days. Hospital services are under strain, with 23.5% of intensive care beds occupied by Covid patients.

The urgency for the unions of nursing staff is to reduce the traffic jams within the public health system, overworked and understaffed. Neighborhood health centers are on the front line, overwhelmed by requests to stop work and the influx of people who have come to be tested, with or without symptoms. General practitioners denounce chain work, sometimes with the load of a hundred patients a day.

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