Springleaf Prata : Customer dispute over lime juice police called

[Image: 7Lg2avL.jpg]

You must serve what you advertise. Saying promotion end without removing the poster is actually cheating. Ceca species good at twisting and "prataing" . Overall they are wasting the policeman time which can be put to better use.
[+] 1 user Likes Great's post

Ahneh restaurant trying to cheat.  I wonder if it’s the same prata place I eat at occasionally after doing the treetop boardwalk.

Poor comms and efficiency on part of ahneh restaurant. 

Also poor lady.  She does strike me as being a bit gian png too. Willing to go second round to be humiliated again Big Grin

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin
[+] 1 user Likes p1acebo's post

Lj customer la.. yaya papaya

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