'Starve or freeze to death': Millions of elderly Brits face a grim choice

By Kara Fox, CNN

Updated 0409 GMT (1209 HKT) August 31, 2022


over the past three months, the 77-year-old widow from the southern English county of Oxfordshire has lost nearly 25 pounds, a result of eating just one cooked meal a day -- with just a piece of fruit or a sandwich for dinner.

DeBurgo lost the weight while trying to save money -- a sobering manifestation of the country's cataclysmic cost-of-living crisis, one that appears to have no end in sight.

In July, inflation rose above 10% for the first time in 40 years, driven by the skyrocketing cost of energy, food and fuel. The Bank of England forecasts inflation will soar to 13% by the end of the year. Analysts say it could go even higher early next year.


Around 2 million pensioners were already living in poverty prior to the crisis


Such poverty is exacerbating health conditions, with life expectancy also dropping ...... the number of years older people are spending in good health is also on the decline.


Almost 10,000 people died in England and Wales in 2021 because their homes were too cold, according to the NHS.


Hospitals in Britain are already close to buckling under the pressure, with older people especially vulnerable to gaps in service that include hospital waiting lists at a record high and a shortage of workers.

In August, the country saw two examples of such failings. A 90-year-old woman reportedly waited 40 hours for an ambulance after falling at home in Cornwall, southwest England.


in another incident in Cornwall, an 87-year-old man waited in a makeshift shelter for 15 hours for an ambulance after breaking seven ribs and fracturing his pelvis


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