Stocks vs Forex

Why I like forex than stocks,

last time when I waiting for my O level, you know as usual we will see what part time job can do.
This friend of mine than intro us go forex broker. So call train us to be broker. Lucky I never go into broker line. Now a days Broker don't earn much due to people can ownself trade online etc.

So this trainer from forex exchange firm tell one thing I do agreed and remember till now.

he mention Stocks, you have to see that CEO is it good in bringing profits for the company , beside so call Global news, economics.
No doubt forex will be affect come Global economics news but still at least don't tie much with a person aka CEO , shareholders this and that for a company

Forex is more like " a Global thing as it is trade between currency "

One thing come forex, You need " big balls to play " I not preferring those just buy 0.01 play play one
I preferring those trade in 1.0 above or more.

The trill come , you either Lose big or win Big per trade depend your Closing targets

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Stocks vs Forex - by [[ForeverAlone]] - 21-02-2022, 12:07 PM

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