South Korea unveils its most powerful missile

(01-10-2024, 08:14 PM)theold Wrote:

Good. This is what us wants, Korean kill Korean, Chinese kill Chinese. Singapore will not be spare.

China ultimate goal is take back Taiwan. And liberate SK and Japan into normal country. Not under America control and military bases. All weapon no use.


Only stewpig and brainless PAP still think that USA and Israehell are supreme, and when Pinoyland Marcos stinking Jr cross swords with China, PAP must be smiling in the background, thinking Pinoyland will win, this is how stewpig PAP is in foreign affairs

I really no eyes to see


(01-10-2024, 08:25 PM)Clyde Wrote:  Good. This is what us wants, Korean kill Korean, Chinese kill Chinese. Singapore will not be spare.
US hv not learned a lesson on the Vietnam war. It wud be blessing if Korea reconcile and united peacefully just like Germany. And no more border separation line, just like Berlin Wall been tear down.

I still remember LHL threatening China about the SCS, which is none of Sinkiepoor's business, and went all the way to ASEAN summit to propose resolution against China, and got a BIG FAT SLAP on its face when no other ASEAN country supported the resolution, so shamefully pick up its face and crawl back to the hole it came out from

Talk about China is not the middle kingdom, blah blah blah...fcuking clown

China is the middle kingdom for thousands of years, and now in its ascension, will continue to be the middle kingdom of the world

Never use his brain a bit, tell you what, PAP is only good to bully Sinkies, but better watch your steps when talking about other countries

Know your place in the world order

Sinkie lives matter, don't put us in harm's way just to satisfy your own ego, no one give a fcuk sheet even if you happy to be USA's lackey, Sinkies don't share your selfish motivation

Wake up!


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