Joe Biden could offer Putin twenty percent of Ukraine to end the war

Maybe not.

According to media reports, the CIA director visited both Moscow and Kiev to push the war a little. William Burns was able to put an offer on the table of the Russian president, which offered twenty percent of the territory of Ukraine -

The Washington Post has already revealed that Burns allegedly visited Kiev to inform Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky about the plans. It is understood that both Kyiv and Moscow rejected the proposal.

At the same time, according to media reports, Kyiv has completely distanced itself from the alleged proposal, "because it does not want its territory to be divided," while according to Russian officials, "they will win the war in the long run anyway," the NZZ article stated. By the way, the offered twenty percent roughly corresponds to the size of the eastern Donbass region.

According to them, Burns and Biden's national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, "wanted to end the war quickly so they could focus on China," while Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin "did not want to let Russia get away with destroying the rules-based peace order and massive military support were demanded of Ukraine," the portal reads.

Why US can stick one leg and come out with such 20% give other for peace strategy? They really the mastermind of this Ukraine war. Use Ukraine lives to further their interest to whack Russia and Zelensky is a US puppet.

Not up for Kyiv to say it doesn't want its territory to be divided if it can't even retake and defend them despite all the Western arms and intel it has received.

In a long war, the biggest country always wins. Simple fact. Ugly win is still a win. Although if it's pyrrhic enough, win already may as well not have won. And this is the situation Russia is in now.

The real enemy the west and the world has to guard against now is China more than any other country. It is right to focus on them. Hard.

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