One of my AngMo friend post about time travel

Time Travel-
People wonder , can I go back in time and change something, The answer is YES and NO, Yes you can go back and certainly make changes but when you come back here to your own timeline nothing will have happened, Here is why, When you make a change you do not alter the time line you traveled from but rather you create a new one where that is how it happened, The only way you could experience that time line is to remain in it or return to its future.
Example I was to go back and tell my 14 year old self something, And He listened that would change His future not my past so a different me would experience that change. The only way I could experience it as me would be to become my 14 year old self.
It is my belief that many different realties exist and for every possible choice outcome event choice you ever made one exist where you make the other choice.
They are not however separate people , All of them are You spiritually , Just each living individually the spiritual you is living all these realities are once. We are all much bigger than the individual lives we lead.
My crazy rant for the day LOL


Nothing crazy. It is a theory about parallel or multi universes. However, it is only a theory.

(26-01-2024, 09:04 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  Time Travel-
People wonder , can I go back in time and change something, The answer is YES and NO, Yes you can go back and certainly make changes but when you come back here to your own timeline nothing will have happened, Here is why, When you make a change you do not alter the time line you traveled from but rather you create a new one where that is how it happened, The only way you could experience that time line is to remain in it or return to its future.
Example I was to go back and tell my 14 year old self something, And He listened that would change His future not my past so a different me would experience that change. The only way I could experience it as me would be to become my 14 year old self.
It is my belief that many different realties exist and for every possible choice outcome event  choice you ever made one exist where you make the other choice.
They are not however separate people , All of them are You spiritually , Just each living individually the spiritual you is living all these realities are once. We are all much bigger than the individual lives we lead.
My crazy rant for the day LOL


According to science u can travel into the future. But u cannot go back in time.

wtfish,, if he can ,ask him this coming toto 1st price number...

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