Subsidy clawback, 10-year MOP for new prime location HDB flats

Michelle Ng

SINGAPORE - Future Housing Board (HDB) flats built in prime, central locations will be subjected to a 10-year minimum occupation period (MOP) and additional subsidies will be clawed back by the Government upon their resale.

These are among the key measures under a new prime location public housing (PLH) model, aimed at keeping prime HDB flats affordable and inclusive


The pool of resale buyers of these prime HDB flats will also be limited to households who earn not more than $14,000 a month and at least one applicant must be a Singapore citizen.


Flat owners will pay a percentage of the resale price to HDB when they resell their home on the open market for the first time, he said.

This will apply only to those who bought the flat from HDB and not to subsequent resale transactions.


Singles above 35 years old will not be allowed to buy these PLH flats.


Owners will also not be allowed to rent out their whole flat at any point in time, even after the MOP is over.

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