funny one of my friend complain his property tax need to pay more

just like 40 bucks increase somemore only pay once per year.

He rent his HDB flat whole unit for 3.2k on top he earn roughly 5k or so.

total income every month like that include rental with his wage already 8k++ near 9k maybe near 10k and just an ITE grad.

still complain?

while you late 40’s still stay in small dark room in parent house. Useless gay

(26-12-2023, 01:38 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  just like 40 bucks increase somemore only pay once per year.

He rent his HDB flat whole unit for 3.2k on top he earn roughly 5k or so.

total income every month like that include rental with his wage already 8k++ near 9k maybe near 10k and just an ITE grad.

still complain?

How come you got so many funny and weird friends and idols?      Big Grin

 Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge
                    Carl Jung

40 is very little. If rented out shd be 24% 2023 and 32% 2024 of annual value, at least 2 to 3000.

Btw, sounds like he's renting out illegally? Can be forfeited one ok

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