
In the aftermath of a confrontation between a condo security guard and the condo owner, I wrote this email dated 30th Oct 2019 to our leaders to seek respite from the dearth of PMET jobs.
It reflected the desperate situation that I was in. 

For those who feel that I was out of my depth to seek help from our leaders, please accept my sincerest apologies for overstepping my position and for troubling our leaders in their serious business of governing us.

To this day, I am relieved that their serious business of governing SG has not been interrupted by my email as reproduced below:
From: philip wen
Date: Wed, Oct 30, 2019 at 1:59 PM
Subject: Do you know US?
To: , , ,

Dear Prime Minister and esteemed Senior Ministers,

I am sure you are aware of the disproportionate skew of "India Indians" working in Singapore while a great majority of Singaporean PMETs are left in "unemployed limbo-land".
Thanks to the CECA policy which you helped bring to life, many of my friends including myself find ourselves unemployed or more euphemistically "retired" in our early 50s. 

Compounded with the determined stance of our government to raise the minimum retirement age ceiling from 60 to 62 to 65 and to 67, I find myself in a bittersweet position in terms of employment prospects.
"Sweet" that our employability age has been extended but "Bitter" that no one wants to hire us.

Over several years, I have applied for senior and mid-management and even junior roles in Banking, E-commerce, Compliance, Treasury, AML, Fixed Income, Regional Sales.  I spoke with numerous headhunters, applied via online portals like Indeed, Jobscentral, Monster, and even our own Not even a single HR officer would even bother responding to my applications for training in a new field while being subsidized by the government.  Not even a short-term contract of 6 months would be entertained.

I am a Singaporean.  Law-abiding, paid my taxes, served my country, and raising 3 children still. I am a graduate of NUS and have worked in Banking, Finance, Treasury, and Sales since graduating.  Yes, I am 58 years but in good health and confident of passing any health check.

I need a job to support my still-dependent family.  I am not asking for a plum role like Mr. Ramesh's.  Just a job to tie my family over the next 3 years.  But not a job like a cleaner, security guard, taxi driver, sweeper, or delivery man.  Not because I am a proud person but I sincerely believe that I am capable of much much more and will be able to perform at a level that commensurates with my responsibilities regardless of my age.

After reading that the CECA agreement you helped create also allows Singaporeans to find employment in India, I am hopeful that with your robust relationship with India, I am able to find something to do in India.

I will work in India with the same equitable conditions that Indians are given working in Singapore. By helping me find a job in India or help point me in the right direction, your department can provide some trickle of data showing that this CECA policy is not just a one-way movement of employees but a two-way flow albeit a lobe sided one.

At the grass-root level, many fellow Singaporeans believe that our senior ministers have lost their way in governing us.  That many policies have driven us to Johor for our daily needs and even medical care.

Please listen to us for once.
Yours truly
Philip Wen
[+] 2 users Like forum456's post

58age? Gone liao...better do some part time job for rest of life.

After reading that the CECA agreement you helped create also allows Singaporeans to find employment in India, I am hopeful that with your robust relationship with India, I am able to find something to do in India.

I will work in India with the same equitable conditions that Indians are given working in Singapore. By helping me find a job in India or help point me in the right direction, your department can provide some trickle of data showing that this CECA policy is not just a one-way movement of employees but a two-way flow albeit a lobe sided one.

Shutup Rotfl

8Umbrella Umbrella

(27-07-2021, 05:15 PM)forum456 Wrote:

In the aftermath of a confrontation between a condo security guard and the condo owner, I wrote this email dated 30th Oct 2019 to our leaders to seek respite from the dearth of PMET jobs.
It reflected the desperate situation that I was in. 

For those who feel that I was out of my depth to seek help from our leaders, please accept my sincerest apologies for overstepping my position and for troubling our leaders in their serious business of governing us.

To this day, I am relieved that their serious business of governing SG has not been interrupted by my email as reproduced below:
From: philip wen
Date: Wed, Oct 30, 2019 at 1:59 PM
Subject: Do you know US?
To: , , ,

Dear Prime Minister and esteemed Senior Ministers,

I am sure you are aware of the disproportionate skew of "India Indians" working in Singapore while a great majority of Singaporean PMETs are left in "unemployed limbo-land".
Thanks to the CECA policy which you helped bring to life, many of my friends including myself find ourselves unemployed or more euphemistically "retired" in our early 50s. 

Compounded with the determined stance of our government to raise the minimum retirement age ceiling from 60 to 62 to 65 and to 67, I find myself in a bittersweet position in terms of employment prospects.
"Sweet" that our employability age has been extended but "Bitter" that no one wants to hire us.

Over several years, I have applied for senior and mid-management and even junior roles in Banking, E-commerce, Compliance, Treasury, AML, Fixed Income, Regional Sales.  I spoke with numerous headhunters, applied via online portals like Indeed, Jobscentral, Monster, and even our own Not even a single HR officer would even bother responding to my applications for training in a new field while being subsidized by the government.  Not even a short-term contract of 6 months would be entertained.

I am a Singaporean.  Law-abiding, paid my taxes, served my country, and raising 3 children still. I am a graduate of NUS and have worked in Banking, Finance, Treasury, and Sales since graduating.  Yes, I am 58 years but in good health and confident of passing any health check.

I need a job to support my still-dependent family.  I am not asking for a plum role like Mr. Ramesh's.  Just a job to tie my family over the next 3 years.  But not a job like a cleaner, security guard, taxi driver, sweeper, or delivery man.  Not because I am a proud person but I sincerely believe that I am capable of much much more and will be able to perform at a level that commensurates with my responsibilities regardless of my age.

After reading that the CECA agreement you helped create also allows Singaporeans to find employment in India, I am hopeful that with your robust relationship with India, I am able to find something to do in India.

I will work in India with the same equitable conditions that Indians are given working in Singapore. By helping me find a job in India or help point me in the right direction, your department can provide some trickle of data showing that this CECA policy is not just a one-way movement of employees but a two-way flow albeit a lobe sided one.

At the grass-root level, many fellow Singaporeans believe that our senior ministers have lost their way in governing us.  That many policies have driven us to Johor for our daily needs and even medical care.

Please listen to us for once.
Yours truly
Philip Wen

Who did Philip vote for?

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin
[+] 1 user Likes Tangsen's post

What you vote for you get
...let's move on. It cannot be undone.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

Philip Wen,

“Please, get out of my elite uncaring face.”
-Wee Shu Min

[Image: wsm-5.jpg]

Nothing can be done.
If you are smart you rise to top regardless.

If not you just struggle along.

That's life in Singapore.

Face up to reality and stop fighting reality.

No choice, be self employed and move from there. Why die die must get a job?

He said no taxi driving, delivering for him. Why? Treat it as a stepping stone lah.

This was 2019 letter.

(27-07-2021, 10:36 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  What you vote for you get
...let's move on. It cannot be undone.

Not necessarily so. He may even be a resident in the opposition wards!

Before: At your service; After: Serves you right!

seniors has accumulated lots of experience thru their life experiences and work.
it is a waste of national resources for seniors to retire too early when many are still able and willing to work.
can someone organized some meaning group that will take on work from government body/glc or big mnc. give to these organization instead of bidding it out. no need cica mnc to bid then give premium job to ceca and low level job to local.

[Image: giphy.gif]

疫苗可以不打, 手枪一定要打!
疫苗可以不注射, 精子一定要远射!

PAP-voting Sinkies deserve all they're getting............

Chenghu & angmoh kongsi favour them becos of apparent subservience.

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