TKL is genius !

I want to share a light hearted story that occurred during the hectic election campaign.

I received several dozen of messages each day in my Whatsapp profile. I read all of them and replied when it was necessary.

Most of these messages were to send best wishes or to share information (which takes a lot of my time), but I need to read them anyway.

On a day when I was extremely busy to prepare for the election broadcast, I received a message asking for help. I read the long message quickly and realized that the sender had a problem with a traffic  fine. He had approached his MP for help, but it was not successful. He promised to vote for me, if I could help me to get the fine waived.

I gave a quick reply - please see me after the election.

Sure enough, he approached me the day after the election when Tharman won as president.

I replied to his message - since Tharman is now the president, I suggest that you ask for his help. Tell him that you voted for him, and not for TKL.

This is just one example of many requests for help that I received during the campaign.  The senders did not realize that it was unfair to expect me to handle their problems. They probably never realized the stress that they placed on me. Perhaps, they were overwhelmed by their own stress.

I now sign off with my - Hehehe.

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