TOKYO Two athletes living in the Olympic Village have tested positive for COVID-19

Two athletes living in the Olympic Village have tested positive for COVID-19, the first to do so with the Tokyo Games opening on Friday.

Organizers confirmed the positive tests on Sunday and both were listed as non-Japanese. No names or other details were provided.

Organizers on Sunday also said another athlete had tested positive but this person was not residing in the Olympic Village. This athlete was also identified as "non-Japanese."

Country of the athletes has been revealed. They are from South Africa.

South Africa also reported three positive cases in its soccer squad - two players and an analyst. It was not immediately clear if those cases were identified as part of the same testing programme.

An International Olympic Committee member from South Korea tested positive for the coronavirus on landing in Tokyo. Ryu Seung-min, a former Olympic athlete, is vaccinated, reflecting the infection risk even from vaccinated attendees.

On Sunday, the organizing committee announced 10 infection cases among nonresidents related to the Tokyo Games.

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