TWN: first dose of AZ has the best protection and the effect is almost permanent

Chen Changyu said that if a friend asks which vaccine to give the first dose, he personally recommends AZ almost uniformly. At present, the first dose of AZ has the best protection and the effect is almost permanent.

Chen Changyu mentioned that as for Pfizer BNT and Modena, the protection of the first dose may not be so good, but the basic protection is still there, and the protection of the second dose will be greatly improved. Will it be too long? Does the second dose have no effect? Not at all.

Messages In This Thread
TWN: first dose of AZ has the best protection and the effect is almost permanent - by theold - 14-09-2021, 08:22 PM
RE: TWN: first dose of AZ has the best protection and the effect is almost permanent - by debono - 14-09-2021, 08:27 PM
RE: TWN: first dose of AZ has the best protection and the effect is almost permanent - by cf9 - 14-09-2021, 08:28 PM
RE: TWN: first dose of AZ has the best protection and the effect is almost permanent - by theold - 15-09-2021, 07:31 AM

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