Taiwan 2021 GDP very Tuagong + 6.28%

(28-01-2022, 05:17 PM)kokee Wrote:  taiwan per capita income is  >US$30k now & overtake korea, going to surpass japan in 2028 or earlier.
china is around US$10k but china wealth gap is the highest in the world today, all the bribery, corruption money plus relationship & link. How much of china rich & politician money & asset in swiss & US? why they dare not put their money inside china to share?
ton of very poor in china today plus property crashing down, ton bankrupt & in huge debt, negative asset all over china, bond default, stock market melting, jobless is scary, retrench everyday, cut pay & low pay, economy is good? super bad, inflation surge to sky, not enough USD to pay debt?
here what the below people yelling.



人民币开始跳贬 ,什么信号?A股股灾上热搜,股民要问责3大交易所!中国股汇楼多杀的背后逻辑!

人民币开始跳贬 ,什么信号?A股股灾上热搜,股民要问责3大交易所!中国股汇楼多杀的背后逻辑!

major part of china trade is with HK, same good ship to HK then back to china, many $trilllon/yr. Same thing they drive up china GDP, lot of internal sale & transfer of price among state owned, fully controlled top down, property BS is another with ton of water.
without huawei bought 1 cts of IC from TSMC, TSMC made much more money.
without taiwan IC, china export dive straight down. globally queue up for taiwan IC, parts & goods.
all these commie dogs here what lies also bark, still has brainless here read all their BS posts & threads? so panic, spam here 7/24, why so desperate & worry?
taiwan beside IC, tey are also leaders in many advanced technology.





(28-01-2022, 05:31 PM)debono Wrote:  Also their mee sua is very good, so should bring it here.......

This is the famous Ah Chung Mee Sua, must add lots of vinegar before eating. Laughing

[Image: 4-EAAE2-CD-3-C7-A-4-AD3-82-BD-3592891-E80-D8.jpg]

(28-01-2022, 02:15 PM)dynamite Wrote:  Taiwanese should come and sell original Taiwanese bean curd and youtiao.

Youtiao is originally from China not Taiwan.

Smelly tofu is also from China and gets popular in Taiwan.

(28-01-2022, 05:36 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  This is the famous Ah Chung Mee Sua, must add lots of vinegar before eating. Laughing

[Image: 4-EAAE2-CD-3-C7-A-4-AD3-82-BD-3592891-E80-D8.jpg]

yes, must add black vinegar to taste heavenly......

(28-01-2022, 03:02 PM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote:  [Image: 20220128-150123.jpg]

roy nerng is now tw social athlete 社会运动家?

In Sg, he will be called 刁民? Rotfl

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

(28-01-2022, 01:19 PM)lionkingch55 Wrote:  2020 GDP +3.11 %, 2021 GDP +6.28% very tuagong. President Tsai doing an excellent job!No wonder rating so high!

Taiwan GDP storms to decade high in 2021 on strong exports - CNA (channelnewsasia.com)

Is it president Tsai doing an excellent job, or is it TSMC doing an excellent job??

Taiwan is blessed that they have right countrymen who are willing to return from US to build TSMC from scratch and bring it to where it is now and helping to generate good GDP in an otherwise bad year. But such stories will never happen now.. Try asking your countrymen now to give up their career to build a company from scratch for the country, they will tell you, do I look that stupid.

1. I have served the nation in a combat unit for 2.5 + 10 years. I had fulfilled my duty as a citizen, but has the country do it's part for me?
2. I don't know where the threat of CCP is, but I know the threat of CECA is already at my doorsteps
3. I had been called a CCP, JHK, Pinoy, but they never called me a CECA..
[+] 1 user Likes ArielCasper's post

(29-01-2022, 12:47 AM)ArielCasper Wrote:  Is it president Tsai doing an excellent job, or is it TSMC doing an excellent job??

Taiwan is blessed that they have right countrymen who are willing to return from US to build TSMC from scratch and bring it to where it is now and helping to generate good GDP in an otherwise bad year. But such stories will never happen now.. Try asking your countrymen now to give up their career to build a company from scratch for the country, they will tell you, do I look that stupid.

Asset left behind by small Chiang and his team.


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