Taiwan Has 3.9% of Population Fully Vaccinated Yet Its Daily Cases are Single Digit

[Image: 5282-BC8-F-CB49-435-F-B695-3820-CD8-CD46-D.png]

why like that?

They managed to lock out delta for now........Logically, it just takes a small virus seep-in and that's it, not sustainable. Super dangerous situation as well, like AU now......

(02-09-2021, 04:47 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  why like that?

we need to import Health Minister from Taiwan

They are cheating all.along


besides locking out delta, probably they take tcm herbs often so their immunity is stronger and/or symptoms are mild

[Image: Screenshot-20210902-171434-Chrome.jpg]

same for Macau, hk and mainland China

once they open their border someone will pass to them... 
有福同享 有难同当 Rotfl

The current DPP administration has deliver lock out all vaccines for the past 6 months by giving those who wished to donate BNT or Moderna vaccines into Taiwan. Because they have already announced back then that their local made vaccines will be ready by August.

But as time goes by their local made vaccines did not get FDA approval, they came up with their on approval with EUA from Taiwan. And at the same time cry foul that China has prevented them from getting Pfizer, when they were told by the manufacturer that they need to purchase via the Shanghai distributor.

And because DPP administration doesn’t want to have any dealing with the Chinese company, they simply blamed China for blocking their purchase.

Which led to Japan to donate the 1.2 millions Astra Zeneca where the Japanese doesn’t want. During then Japan wanted to donate more but DPP told them that their own Taiwanese vaccines will be ready by June/July, as such they don’t need too many. But things took a turn when delta variant began to show presence in Taiwan.

As such they(DPP) go all out to claim China “wrong doing”, which led America to donate Moderna…. This has angered more Taiwanese, because the budget that was approved for DPP to purchase world renounced vaccines were still no where in sight.

To cut the story short, they eventually release their Taiwanese made vaccine in mid August, and within a period of 1 week the death rates shot up to 6. This bring concerns to the administration that they hastily approved the private sector to acquire the vaccine which were shipped into Taiwan today.

Simple the spike-proteins are the clotted cells.

TW is very fortunate because they got the Alpha variant, not the Delta variant. However, it is a matter of time. Even NZ couldn't keep Delta out.

Get vaccinated you are cooked(poisoned).
1,2and 3 DONE GONE.

(02-09-2021, 04:49 PM)forum456 Wrote:  we need to import Health Minister from Taiwan

But he was blamed for sleeping for past 1 year when Taiwan cases spiked months ago.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

Probably 林默娘护佑。 Laughing

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

Taiwan has the Delta variant since June.


Don't believe their numbers. Only way to track those who travel to other places.

Taiwan’s Covid death toll is very high, nearly 900 while Spore only has 50+ despite we have much higher number of total cases.

(02-09-2021, 09:56 PM)cf9 Wrote:  Don't believe their numbers. Only way to track those who travel to other places.

you have a valid point, Taiwan’s test rate is very low, lower than many African nations...no testing means no cases? very smart approach. Big Grin

Nearly all the proteins required by cells are synthesised by ribosomes. ... Ribosomes translate information encoded in messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA). They link together specific amino acids to form polypeptides and they export these to the cytoplasm.

dat just a satement to wet the apetite
to say you can do it using an envelope of lipids to wrap your mRNA
and trick the system is farfetched. especially with a needle
more lke touching the Big sweep or toto.

When we hear spike-proteins wat r they?
It gets interesting when we examine Dr Young's works using microscopy techniques

[Image: Screenshot-2021-09-02-at-23-13-55-Corona...agulat.png]

Poisoned blood cells. (OUTfections)

[Image: Screenshot-2021-09-02-at-23-18-55-Corona...agulat.png]

Ladies and gentlemen your spike-proteins

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