Taiwan: New death include man in 30s with 3 doses, a history of alcoholic cirrhosis.

Deputy head of the medical response team of the command center Luo Yijun said that the man had symptoms such as shortness of breath, general weakness, and lower extremity edema since July, which lasted for a month. On August 4, he went to the emergency room due to fever and chest tightness. Hemorrhagic shock and anemia were found, and he was confirmed by PCR.

Luo Yijun said that the man was hospitalized immediately after the diagnosis and had been treated with remdesivir, but unfortunately passed away on August 6. It took only three days from the diagnosis to the death. The cause of death was pneumonia with septic shock, liver cirrhosis and gastrointestinal bleeding.

The local epidemic remains at a low level. The Central Epidemic Command Center said today that there were 23,665 new local cases, 143 more imported cases, and 25 more deaths.



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