Taiwan reportedly receives Stinger missiles under U.S. military aid program


[Image: IMG-2314.jpg]

very nice and collaborative


Amdk arse lickers stooge’s jjww liao lah
You dont know meh taiwan tan sie liao lah

Never trust Americans.

tawainese need to vote the pro independent foreign interest party that will killed them in the war.
after lossing the foreign party just walk away after a long torn taiwan.

today with missiles, high altitude ballon draining bullets down to ships. after such high acceleration can imagine the damage.
the ships, aircraft carrier are a lot more vulnerable. even with advance weapon it is useless when it come to quantity and cost of production. war is a burning money and life game.

if the foreign forces got too many killed, the homeland will opposed why they fighting other people war. has happen before right.

so taiwan got o be carful of the end result and the cost that taiwan will pay life and money.
unification will be prosperity for all. 1 country 2 system is still a valid model for all common people who are interested in making a good jobs and happy life. no good for pro independent party only

if taiwan model is stonger then china one, eventually after unificaation the system will be taiwan type.
although china may remain as 1 party, but it will be multi sections of power fighting the control.
just like multi party fight for control.
important thing is good team of people for the people in control.
not one that is control by foreign forces, doing their jobs and purpose to hurt their own people.

Another Ukeriane in the making.

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