Taiwan's "representative" to US' corruption exposed

Note that this is google translated with some editing (mainly paragraphing):


According to Taiwan's "Mirror Weekly", a source from Taiwan's so-called "foreign affairs system" broke the news that the official who succeeded Hsiao Meiqin, the deputy leader of the Taiwan region, as Taiwan's so-called "representative to the United States" spent half a year in office and spent money indiscriminately and made purchases in the name of official duties. For luxury goods, the office space alone costs 8 million yuan, including a handmade sofa worth nearly one million yuan, a bed worth more than 200,000 yuan, a Bluetooth speaker, a coffee machine, and even a carpet worth 210,000 yuan. All expenses incurred by the official and his wife at the office, including toothbrushes, shower gel and other consumables that are expressly prohibited from declaration, are required to be reported to the public accounts as "guest use". 

The most controversial thing about this official is that he applied to buy a Cadillac worth 3.7 million yuan as his personal car on the grounds of being a concierge. However, the agency's vehicle was just replaced more than two years ago and is far less than eight years old. 

Taiwan media also pointed out that the official and his wife asked to keep the official car as a private car, and also asked the driver to take the whole family out and shopping during working hours. His wife, as a non-public employee, asked agency staff to drive with her to go shopping when they were not on official duties, and bossed the staff around.

Regarding the controversy surrounding this official, the foreign affairs department of the Democratic Progressive Party authorities actually responded that the relevant procurement was handled in accordance with procedures and regulations. This was ridiculed by Taiwanese netizens, "The DPP is corrupt? No surprise!" "Officials protect each other, and they will rot to the end!" "One thing during the election, another one after being elected, I will buy a bed and a sofa. I am greedy for money and love enjoyment." "Ta Green Class! It would be strange if you are not greedy." "They are all dirty things. You eat everything with Taiwanese money." They are all fat and tender, and they also bid all the projects to the flankers and use Taiwanese money to support the cyber army." "As expected, as soon as the DPP dog officials took office, they spent public funds to transfer money and benefits. This is the DPP in power. tradition of corruption." (Editor/Liu Dandan)


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