Taliban claims 41 Australians killed in Afghanistan war 'died in vain'

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Mr Shaheen also disputed claims Australians had been attacked by the Taliban, despite video surfacing of an Adelaide father bloodied and in a tussle with the Taliban.

He has since gone into hiding.

"There is no one targeting them, or their life is at risk, no!" Mr Shaheen said.

The veteran Taliban spokesperson said the hope for his country was "peace", as he accused Prime Minister Scott Morrison of basing policy on "propaganda" and "fake news".

"Some of the Australians are biased they should make their stand to be more pragmatic," Mr Shaheen said.

"I think their judgment should be fair and just not based on baseless reports," the Taliban spokesman said of the Australian government.

The Taliban spokesperson also claimed people fleeing Afghanistan were "economic migrants".

Mr Shaheen denied reports broadcast by 9News that Afghan women had been abducted by the Taliban, and said it would be a breach of law.

The spokesperson said girls and women would be entitled to education, but he could not guarantee they would be allowed to have positions of power in a newly formed government.

"It will be up to the constitution, after that it will be clear," he said.

Mr Shaheen also claimed the Taliban planned to "eradicate" the terror group ISIS-K, which claimed responsibility for the deadly blast at Hamid Karzai International Airport.

"We have this capability," Mr Shaheen said.

当地时间9月1日,塔利班发言人接受澳媒9NEWS采访。澳媒记者提及在阿富汗战争期间,有数千名阿富汗人丧生,41名澳大利亚士兵死去。他问道:“你觉得这些士兵白白死去了吗?”沙欣直言,这些澳大利亚士兵白死了。他还进一步质问:“若阿富汗士兵杀害你们的人民,占领你们国家,然后这些士兵死了,你会说什么呢?你们会说他们来这是为了一些非法的东西吗?他们有权入侵你们国家吗?” 澳外交部长玛丽斯·佩恩对此感到强烈的不满,她称沙欣的言论“令人反感”,“澳大利亚和国际社会在阿富汗问题上作出的贡献被轻视”。


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